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Import federated tags and resources

When tags from remote systems, such as HCL Connections are integrated into HCL WebSphere Portal, we need to schedule a task to retrieve the tags and related data from the remote system. To retrieve tags and related resource for federation, schedule a task named com.ibm.wps.cp.tagging.federation.taskhandler.FederationTaskHandler HCL WebSphere Portal using the XML configuration interface (XMLAccess). In the following example, the XML task triggerTask.xml is scheduled to run the task com.ibm.wps.cp.tagging.federation.taskhandler.FederationTaskHandler once a day:

This tasks handles all HCL Connections features.We can also select and specify which HCL Connections features we want a task to handle. For example, we can have data for HCL Connections wikis and blogs collected on a different schedule than HCL Connections files. Refer to the following example:


To retrieve changes in the HCL Connections tag cloud, we need to run the FederationTaskHandler script.

Parent topic: Administering tag federation
