Instrument a theme for Active Site Analytics
The portal theme provided with HCL WebSphere Portal is prepared and suitable for use with Active Site Analytics. We can also create our own custom theme to use the Active Site Analytics functionality.
To make Active Site Analytics work in a custom theme...
- Add metadata to the page.
- Include an aggregator with the page.
- Include dependencies with the page.
- Include microformats of interest, related to the statistical data to collect.
Add metadata to the page
An aggregator picks up information stored in the DOM tree of a page. This information must be present in the HTML source of the page. The recommended approach to add this information to a page is to implement the theme or skin so they write all the necessary information into the DOM tree of the page...
- We can add the identifier of a portlet to the DOM tree by adding the following line to the file skin.html in the theme WebDAV folder:
<span class="" style="display:none;"><%= myPortletID %></span>
If the span element is styled in an external CSS file, we need to escape each period in the class name by a backslash. Example:
With the code sample, the aggregator can fetch the identifiers of all portlets on a page by iterating over all occurrences of "span" elements with a class attribute of "".
The correct function of the code sample depends on the definition of myPortletID earlier in the file skin.html. By default, it is defined using the following JSP code:
<portal-skin:portletID var="myPortletID"/> <jsp:useBean class="java.lang.String" scope="page"/>
- We can add the portlet title to the DOM tree by wrapping the <portal-skin:portletTitle> statement in the file skin.html with a span element that has a class attribute of "asa.portlet.title":
<span class="asa.portlet.title"><portal-skin:portletTitle></portal-skin:portletTitle</span>
Including aggregators with the page
The portal includes a default implementation of the theme extension point...
The extension point locates a JavaScript file specified in the page metadata. The extension point includes the content of that file in the HTML code of the page. The metadata key must start with asa_aggregator or asa_js , and its value is the JavaScript file name.
Add the following code somewhere near the closing body tag ( </body> ) of the file...
...of the theme WebDAV folder...
<portal-theme-ext:themeExtension > <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionLoop> <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionItemText /> </portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionLoop> </portal-theme-ext:themeExtension>This code loops over every implementation of the theme extension point and executes it. The default implementation included with the portal follows the approach previously outlined.HCL WebSphere Portal v8.5 does not support the extension point with the ID from previous versions. If we have migrated a theme from an earlier portal version, make sure to use the extension ID .
Including dependencies with the page
If we want dependencies to be used by more than one aggregator, add them to the head of the html page. The portal includes a default implementation of the theme extension point . The extension point locates a JavaScript file specified in the page metadata. The extension point includes the content of that file in the HTML code of the page. The metadata key must start with asa_dependency , and its value is the JavaScript file name. For details see the topic about Add an Active Site Analytics aggregator to a portal page. Add the following code to the head of the theme:
<portal-theme-ext:themeExtension > <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionLoop> <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionItemText /> </portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionLoop> </portal-theme-ext:themeExtension>
This code loops over every implementation of the theme extension point and executes it. The default implementation included with the portal follows the approach previously outlined.
Including an aggregator JSP with the page
Active Site Analytics can include a dedicated JSP fragment as part of the aggregator inclusion on the page. The portal appends the contents of the JSP fragment to the content that is injected into the theme.html of the theme.
We configure the JSP similarly to the aggregator itself: Add page metadata with the key of asa_jsp to the page. The portal interprets the value as a file name relative to the theme.html of the theme in WebDAV. For example, to add markup from a JSP in a file named page.jsp , we can put this JSP next to theme.html using WebDAV and configure a new page property with the key asa_jsp and the value page.jsp .
Example: If the key of a piece of metadata is asa_jsp and its value is set to asa_sample.jsp, then the portal searches for a JSP with a file name asa_sample.jsp and, if it finds such a file, it includes it in the page contents.
Use the extension point to include a JSP into the page content. The metadata key must start with asa_jsp . Add the following code in the theme:
<portal-theme-ext:themeExtension > <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionLoop> <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionRenderInclude/> </portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionLoop> </portal-theme-ext:themeExtension>This code loops over each implementation of the theme extension point and executes it. The default implementation included with the portal follows the approach outlined earlier.
Including microformats of interest
We might need to modify the skins used by a theme so that all of the microformat information that to be captured is present when the page is rendered. For example, we can add this code to the skin.html file of a skin to ensure the portlet ID of all portlets on the page is available for the aggregator script to discover:
<span class="" style="display:none;"><%= myPortletID %></span>
In this case the file asa_sample.js looks for elements with the class to find the portlet ID of all portlets present on the page. Portlet titles can be rendered using code similar to this:
<portal-skin:portletTitle />
To capture such portlet titles, we can add an additional span element with a class defined for titles the analytics JavaScript file will look for:
<span class="asa.portlet.title"><portal-skin:portletTitle /></span>
In this case, asa.portlet.title is recognized as the class for all span elements that encompass the rendered text of the portlet titles.
- Inject custom aggregators
By implementing a new theme extension point, we can apply different approaches to Active Site Analytics.
Parent Collect analytics dataRelated tasks:
Add an Active Site Analytics aggregator to a portal page
Related information
Tags used by the portal theme JSPs