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Transfer portal configuration data using the XML configuration interface

When using the XML configuration interface to transfer HCL WebSphere Portal configuration data, you export or import an XML script file. In most cases, we can use the result file from an XML export for an XML import. Sometimes we can use the export result file directly, sometimes we must modify it.

An XML file that you process must always be in UTF-8 encoding. It must specify the root element and schema that is given in the following example code snippet.

For an XML export, specify export for the request type. For an XML import, specify a request type of update. The line where we specify either of these request types is highlighted in the example. For more information about the structure of an XML input script file, see the reference topics about the XML input script file structure.

  1. Run the XML command-line interface with a file that has a request type of export in it. For example, we can use one of the XML sample files with request type export provided with HCL WebSphere Portal. The XML command-line interface returns a result file that contains the resources specified in the XML file usedd for the export. This file can be, for example a resource and all dependent resources. The file that XML command-line interface returns specifies update for the request type and locate or update for the individual resources actions. This file is ready to be used for an XML import.

  2. Optional: Modify the XML result file from the export as required. For example, to create extra resources, use the actions create or update.

  3. Run the XML command-line interface, and specify the XML file that resulted from the XML export and that we might have modified in the previous steps. We can also use one of the XML sample files with request type update in it. The XML command-line interface returns a result file that indicates whether the specified resources were imported successfully, or what errors might have occurred.

What to do next

Usage notes:

For more information about XML exports and imports and transfers of portal configuration, see the following topics. For more information about the structure of an XML input script file, see the reference topics about the XML configuration interface.
