If you are migrating from a release prior to DB2 Connect Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) to Version 9.5, ensure that the authentication type at the gateway is compatible with the client and the server. If you did not specify an authentication type in the database directory entry at the gateway, the default authentication type is SERVER.
If you are migrating from a release prior to DB2 Connect Version 9.1, you need to recatalog all nodes that use SNA protocol to use TCP/IP protocol instead.
In Version 9.5, a new client product is available and new names are used for existing clients that are different than client names used in previous releases. Refer to DB2 client product added to simplify deployment (Windows) for details on the new names and generic client names.
In general, the recommendation is to migrate DB2 Connect servers first and then clients. Version 9.1 and Version 8 clients can connect to Version 9.5 DB2 Connect servers. The only restriction is that new DB2 Version 9.5 features are not available to the pre-V9.5 clients. However, it is not likely that you need access to these new features because your existing applications do not use them.
If you choose to migrate your clients first, you need to be aware that there are known limitations about the support for connectivity from a Version 9.5 client to DB2 Connect Version 8 servers. Check the Version 9.5 incompatibilities with previous releases, see if these limitations apply to your application in order to take necessary actions.
Perform the pre- and post-migration tasks to ensure a successful migration.
Parent topic: Migration to DB2 Connect Version 9.5
Related concepts
DB2 Connect authentication considerations
Security types supported with DB2 Connect
Migration essentials for clients
Migration essentials for DB2 servers