Publish to the production environment
Publish production-ready data from the authoring environment to the production environment to propagate changes to the site.
Before starting
Ensure that the task group containing the data has already been committed (which means it is merged with production-ready data on the authoring environment); the actual publish involves moving the production-ready data from the authoring environment to the production environment.An authoring environment is a staging environment that has workspaces enabled.
Task info
Use the following methods to publish production-ready data from the authoring environment to the production environment:
- Quick publish
- If quick publish is enabled when a task group is created in a workspace, the files and data in that task group are published to the production environment as soon as all tasks in that task group are marked complete and all approvals are satisfied. When all tasks in a task group marked as quick publish are completed and, if necessary, approved, the task group files and data are committed to the production-ready data. When the task group commit completes successfully, the task group files and data are published to the production environment.
If the task group commit fails, the files and data from the task group remain committed to the production-ready data and are not published to the production environment. We can use the stagingprop utility to immediately correct errors and publish the production-ready data to the production environment.
(Developer) Quick publish is not supported in WebSphere Commerce Developer.
- stagingprop utility
The stagingprop utility propagates staged data and managed files from the production-ready data to the production environment. It consolidates the changed data from the production-ready database, and then it propagates the necessary changed data into the production database if the connection is available.
Related concepts
Authoring environment
Related tasks
Committing workspace data to production-ready data
Changing quick publish post-publish size
Disable post-publish for quick publish
Related reference
stagingcopy utility
stagingprop utility