Disable post-publish for quick publish

Cache invalidation occurs during post-publish for catalog and search. We can disable the post-publish for quick publish for the catalog or search resource managers to avoid duplicate cache invalidation.


  1. Update the resource-containers.xml file.

    1. Go to the WC_eardir/xml/content-management directory for the site.

    2. Open the wc-resource-containers.xml file for editing.

    3. Find the <wc:QuickPublishConfiguration> element in the file.

    4. Add the following postPublish parameter within the element:

        <wc:Publisher className="com.ibm.commerce.context.content.resources.publish.DefaultJDBCContentPublisherImpl"
        initParameters=[other-parameters] postPublish="false" [other-parameters]/ >

  2. Save our changes and close the file.

  3. Update the deployment package to include your updated files.

  4. Restart the WebSphere Commerce server to apply the changes to the site.

Related tasks
Committing workspace data to production-ready data
Publishing to the production environment
Changing quick publish post-publish size