Deprecated feature: Transfer order

The TransferOrder outbound service interface is used to transfer an order to an external system. Deprecated: The integration service interfaces documented in this topic are deprecated. Use the Order management system integration service interfaces.


A request to this outbound service interface is in the form of a ProcessOrder business object document (BOD) with action code Transfer. The definition of the ProcessOrder BOD can be found in the XML schema file workspace_dir/WebServicesRouter/xsd/OAGIS/9.0/Overlays/IBM/Commerce/BODs/ProcessOrder.xsd. The Service DataObject (SDO) interface of the ProcessOrder BOD is


The response to a successful request is in the form of an AcknowledgeOrder BOD with no response criteria. The XML schema of the ProcessOrder BOD can be found in the XML schema file workspace_dir/WC/WebServicesRouter.war/xsd/OAGIS/9.0/Overlays/IBM/Commerce/BODs/AcknowledgeOrder.xsd. The Service DataObject (SDO) interface of the AcknowledgeOrder BOD is

Message type

This outbound service interface is mapped to the message type, or if the former is not defined.

Client task command

This outbound service interface can be started by calling the order client task command with action TransferOrder. Its default implementation, , behaves as follows:

  1. It first calls the protected method composeProcessOrder() to compose a ProcessOrder SDO from the order ID or order access bean specified.

  2. It then passes the action and the ProcessOrder SDO to the order client facade implementation to make the outbound service request.

Usage scenario

  1. When an order is submitted by either a shopper or customer service representative (CSR), the command is called.

  2. Towards the end of its execution, the default implementation, raises the event OrderSubmit.

  3. The order submit event listener, which listens to the event, calls the command .

  4. The SOI-specific implementation of this command, , calls the order client task command with action TransferOrder to transfer the order to the external system.

  5. Alternatively, the order component can be configured such that the command is called when the event PaymentAuthorizationComplete is raised so that the order is not transferred until payment has been authorized.

    1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Configuration file.

    2. Disable the OrderSubmit Event and enable the Payment Authorization Complete Event as shown in the following example:

          enable="false" name="OrderSubmit Event">
          <property display="false">
             <event name="OrderSubmit"/>
          enable="true" name="Payment Authorization Complete Event">
          <property display="false">
             <event name="PaymentAuthorizationComplete"/>

  6. In workspace_dir/WC/xml/config/, configure the event on which we want the order transfer to occur. The event can be PaymentAuthorizationComplete or OrderSubmit. The default event is OrderSubmit. For example,

      <_config:configgrouping name="TransferOrder">
           <_config:property name="accessProfile" value="IBM_TransferOrder"/>
           <_config:property name="event" value="PaymentAuthorizationComplete"/>

Note: To use OrderProcessCmdImpl to transfer the order, we must use the SOIExtOrderProcessCmdImpl extension point. We must update the CMDREG table for the ExtOrderProcessCmd interface to use the SOIExtOrderProcessCmdImpl class.

Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce Web services with JSP pages
WebSphere Commerce as a service consumer

Related tasks
Enable WebSphere Commerce as a service consumer

Related reference
Deprecated feature: Outbound service interfaces
Service-oriented outbound integration points