Store configuration files

Customization and configuration of the store requires modification, or addition and extension of configuration files in the custom stores web archive (crs-web.war) on the Store server. The following sections detail the specific files, their locations, and their functions for customization of the store. In addition, the configuration file on the Transaction Server required to be modified for the Store server is also detailed.

File locations

The following table describes the location of essential files within the Store server, and where they need be placed to override their originals in the extended stores web archive. Ensure that you replicate the full hierarchical file structure, and append the -ext naming convention to customized files.

Note: The WebSphere Commerce enterprise archive (WC.ear) is not on the Store server. A crs.ear enterprise archive, which is the store archive, is available on the Store server. The WC.ear archive is the enterprise archive for the Transaction Server.

Original directory Extension directory
crs-web.war/ crs-web.war/
crs.ear/ crs-web.war/

Store server configuration files

WebSphere Commerce enterprise archive (WC.ear)

Store server enterprise archive (crs.ear)

stores web archive

stores web archive

REST template

REST templates define request formats for the REST services that are executed by Spring controllers on the Store server. Each action controller calls REST services as defined in REST templates for executing business logic. REST services that are defined in REST templates are grouped by resource definitions, and each resource definition is subdivided into method definitions:

Each resource or method has a name. A resource name and a method name can uniquely identify a REST service. For each method definition, a template is defined for composing a REST request from the parameters of a web request. For each Spring action controller, the resource name and method name of the REST service to be executed by this controller is defined by a property of the definition of this controller in the Spring configuration XML file.

Note: You do not need to configure the REST response format for the REST template. The response format is configured by the Transaction server.

Spring configuration files


Related concepts
Store assets
Spring MVC and store controller customization

Related tasks
Customizing the store
Customizing the store Spring MVC configuration
Adding or modifying REST templates