Marketing: MarketingTrigger Noun
The MarketingTrigger noun is used to model a marketing trigger. Marketing triggers are used to communicate with the marketing runtime that particular events have occurred (customer interaction points that start or continue a marketing activity), or that the marketing runtime should perform a specific action.
As a result of customer storefront behavior, the following marketing triggers are sent to the marketing runtime:
- Send the occurrence of an event performed by the customer. Some examples are the customer logged on or the customer added a product to their shopping cart. The trigger starts or continues a marketing activity for the customer.
- Record the occurrence of an event performed by the customer. Some examples are the customer logged on or the customer added a product to their shopping cart. The marketing runtime records the occurence of this trigger by the customer.
- Inform the marketing runtime that the customer has clicked on an e-Marketing Spot.
Marketing triggers can be sent to the marketing runtime to perform the following administrative actions:
- manage statistics
- manage expired triggers
- manage cache contents
BOD Summary
Access Profile and Expression Builder columns are for Get BOD only.
BOD Action Code / Access Profile Action Expression Service Provided Sample XML Message Client Library / Expression Builder ProcessMarketingTrigger Record Records the occurrence of an event performed by the customer. The data is recorded in the customer's user behavior data record. The data can be used later when evaluating targets to see if a customer matches a particular behavior. This action should be used when the behavior rules have been checked, and it has been determined which element in interested in this trigger. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger Send Sends the occurrence of an event that was performed by the customer. Activities that are interested in this event will start or continue activities for the customer. This action should be used when the behavior rules have been checked, and it has been determined which element in interested in this trigger. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger Click Processes a click on an e-Marketing Spot. This is used to update the click statistics for e-Marketing Spots and experiment test elements. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger SaveStatistics Persists the current accumulated statistics to the database. The statistics accumulated since the last time a save action was performed are persisted to the database. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger SendTriggers Processes any applicable wait triggers and e-mail activities. Any e-mail activities that are ready to be sent will be processed, and any expired triggers will be sent to their corresponding activity. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger ClearEntireCache Clears the existing entries in the marketing and user behavior caches. This removes all the data from the marketing cache. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger ClearMarketingCache Clears the existing entries in the marketing cache. This removes all the marketing data from the marketing cache. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger ClearUserBehaviorCache Clears the existing entries in the user behavior cache. This removes all the user data from the marketing cache. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger LoadTriggerFilters Loads the applicable trigger filter rules into the marketing cache. This updates the cache will the list of user behaviors which should be detected. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger EvaluateOrder Check if the specified order was influenced by the data displayed to the customer in any e-Marketing Spots. This checks the effectiveness of activity experiment test elements. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger Evaluate Check if the trigger event is applicable to any marketing activities. The trigger will be checked against both Triggers and Targets in all active activities. This should be used if you know that both Trigger and Target elements are interested in this trigger. The triggerParamters string should contain the appropriate context information for the trigger. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger EvaluateForTrigger Check if the trigger event is applicable to any Triggers in active marketing activities. This should be used if you know that only Trigger elements are interested in this trigger. The triggerParamters string should contain the appropriate context information for the trigger. Request
MarketingFacadeClient.processMarketingTrigger EvaluateForTarget Check if the trigger event is applicable to any Targets in active marketing activities. This should be used if you know that only Target elements are interested in this trigger. The triggerParamters string should contain the appropriate context information for the trigger. Request
Access Profile
Some sample XML request and response web service messages are provided for each noun. These sample messages might not include all properties or attributes. To view a sample message that includes other properties or attributes, enable logging and tracing for the appropriate component and then call the web service to set or change the properties or attributes. Review the corresponding log file to see the request or response information.
Access Profile Data Returned
XSD files
- MarketingTrigger.xsd
- MarketingCommon.xsd
- IdentifierTypes.xsd
- CommonTypes.xsd
- BaseTypes.xsd
- CommerceFoundation.xsd