slotDefinition input file

Use the slotDefinition input file to load information that the Commerce Composer tool requires to render the wireframe that represents the template in the user interface. When business users create layouts in the Commerce Composer tool, the wireframe is displayed in several locations in the user interface.

Each slot in the wireframe must be defined by using X and Y coordinates on a rectangle representing the template.

For example, we might want the wireframe for a template to look like this in the Commerce Composer tool: Figure 1. Wireframe example

To load the data to render the previous wireframe, the slotDefinition input file looks like this example: Figure 2. Input file entries to create wireframe

Each row in the input file defines a rectangular area in the wireframe that represents the slot. For samples that demonstrate how to use this input file in different load scenarios, see:

We can extract template wireframe data with the Data Extract utility to create a slotdefinition.csv file that we can load with the Data Load utility. For example, to copy or move templates between stores or instances, such as for creating one or more test environments. The sample configuration files provided for you to use with the Data Extract utility extract wireframe data from the following database tables:

For more information about extracting Commerce Composer data, see:


Related concepts
Layouts, layout templates, and default layouts
Commerce Composer layout architecture
Commerce Composer layout template architecture

Related tasks
Extracting Commerce Composer data with the Data Extract utility

Related reference
Commerce Composer samples
Sample: Extracting Commerce Composer widgets
Sample: Extracting Commerce Composer layout templates
Sample: Extracting Commerce Composer layouts
Sample: Extracting Commerce Composer pages
Sample: Extracting Commerce Composer data
Commerce Composer object input file definitions