Add attributes with catalog upload

Use the catalog upload feature in the Catalogs tool to add attributes to the Management Center attribute dictionary.

Before beginning

Download the sample attribute dictionary CSV file. This file contains sample attributes included within the attribute dictionary, each with a different combination of attribute types and data types.

We can also load this data in XML format. If you choose to create and use an XML formatted file, ensure that your file uses the CSV column names as the XML element names.

Sample file Description

The sample files include optional columns to load image paths for attribute values. Use this sample if any of the attributes we are loading are associated images to represent the attribute values, such as swatch images. For example, we can represent Color attribute values with swatch images for clothing.


  1. In the sample file, starting in row 3, replace the sample data with our own data. The sample file includes the following information for the attribute properties:

    Column or Element Description
    Identifier The unique reference name for the attribute.
    Type The data type of the attribute. The following data types are supported for attributes:

    • Text (String)

    • Whole number (Integer)

    • Decimal Number (Float)

    Attribute Type The type of the attribute. The following attribute types are supported:

    • AllowedValues for attributes with predefined allowed values.

    • AssignedValues for attributes that do not have predefined values.

    Name The language-specific name of the attribute.
    Description A brief description of the attribute. This field is language-specific.
    Secondary Description An additional language-specific description of the attribute.
    GroupName The name of the keyword associated with the attribute group that this attribute belongs to. In Management Center, this field displays as Associated Keyword.
    LanguageId The language identifier for the attribute that indicates the language that your attribute data displays in.
    Field 1 A customized field for our attribute data.
    Footnote A field to store auxiliary attribute data such as a footnote. In Management Center, this field displays as Note.
    Unit Of Measure Specifies the unit of measure used for the attribute.
    AllowedValue1 A predefined value of the attribute.
    ImagePath1ForValue1 If applicable, the language-specific file path to the image for this attribute value. For example, images/G1.jpg.

    We can use this field to specify the path to a swatch image file for this attribute value. The image is used on the storefront to represent the attribute value.

    AllowedValue2 A predefined value of the attribute.
    ImagePath1ForValue2 If applicable, the language-specific file path to the image for this attribute value. For example, images/G1.jpg.

    We can use this field to specify the path to a swatch image file for this attribute value. The image is used on the storefront to represent the attribute value.

    AllowedValue3 A predefined value of the attribute.
    ImagePath1ForValue3 If applicable, the language-specific file path to the image for this attribute value. For example, images/G1.jpg.

    We can use this field to specify the path to a swatch image file for this attribute value. The image is used on the storefront to represent the attribute value.

    Delete Indicates whether to delete the attribute. A value of 1 indicates to delete the attribute.

    Note: We can add more predefined AllowedValue columns to meet your attribute requirements, or add more values using the Management Center attribute dictionary.

  2. Load the sample file into Management Center by using the catalog upload feature to add the sample attributes to the attribute dictionary. We can edit the sample data before you load the file or edit the data in the attribute dictionary after you load the file.

    Option Description
    Edit the sample file and load the updated file into Management Center to load the attributes into the attribute dictionary

    1. Open the sample file.

    2. Edit the file to create attributes that suit your business needs.

    3. Load the sample file into Management Center using the Catalog Upload feature to add the sample attributes to the attribute dictionary.

    4. Select File > Reload to refresh the attribute dictionary to display the added attributes.

    Load the sample file into Management Center and update the sample attributes using the attribute dictionary

    1. Load the sample file into Management Center using the Catalog Upload feature to add the sample attributes to the attribute dictionary.

    2. Select File > Reload to refresh the attribute dictionary to display the added attributes.

    3. Edit the sample attribute information in the attribute dictionary to suit your business needs.

    4. Click Save.

    To add multiple attributes to the attribute dictionary, repeat this procedure or include duplicate rows in a single file. Each duplicate row requires a unique identifier.

Related tasks
Adding attributes to the attribute dictionary
Creating attributes in the attribute dictionary
Uploading catalog data
Deleting attributes and predefined values from the attribute dictionary