Trigger: Customer Submits Search

Use this trigger in a search rule to begin or continue the rule when a customer performs a search in the storefront. This trigger enables the action building blocks used in search rules to influence search results in the storefront, such as specifying the top search results or changing the search results order. When setting up this trigger, we must specify which keywords the customer submitted for their search. The keyword matching rules allows us to match a search phrase that contains specific keywords. The keyword matching rule can match the exact form of the word. We must to enter different forms of the keyword, for example, run, runs, running, if we want the rule to be triggered for these different forms.


Here is an example of a search rule that uses this trigger effectively, displayed in the Search Rule Builder:

When a customer searches for coffee, elevate the AromaStar Deluxe coffee maker as the top search result.

The search rule looks like this:

Other examples using this trigger include:

Related concepts
Triggers in search rules