Trigger: Customer Searches

Use this trigger in a dialog activity to begin or continue the activity based on the searching behavior of our customers. For example, we can send an email message about a promotion to a customer who searches multiple times for a certain product.


The following example is an example of a dialog activity that uses this trigger effectively:

When a customer searches for coffee 5 times within 2 days, send an email message to the customer about a coffee sale:

We can then target customers in the Customers who like coffee customer segment with relevant promotions and marketing activities.

Note: The previous example dynamically updates a customer segment. When creating the customer segment, we must select the check box labeled Use marketing activities to add or remove customers on the General Properties tab. This check box must be selected for these dynamic updates to take place. For more information, see Action: Add To or Remove From Customer Segment.

Prerequisites for using this trigger

Guidelines for using this trigger

When you set up this trigger, we must specify which keywords customers must submit for their search to match the trigger. We can specify the following Keyword matching rule options:

We can also specify the following additional settings:

Note: Be aware of the following if you use this trigger with the following actions:

These actions do not work for generic users. Customers who are generic users cannot receive a coupon or a message (email or text message) because generic users share a common ID. When a user first accesses an e-commerce site and is browsing product pages, the user is a generic user. When a customer completes an operation that requires a unique identity such as adding a product to the shopping cart, the customer is converted from a generic user to a unique guest user. In addition, for the Send Message action, customers must opt in to receive email or mobile marketing messages, which a customer can do during the registration process.

For more information about user types, see Users.