Configure the Watson Content Hub transport method

Configure the Watson Content Hub Integration transport in the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console so that messages can be sent between WebSphere Commerce and Watson Content Hub.


  1. Open the Administration Console.

  2. Select Site on the Administration Console Site/Store Selection page.

  3. Click...

      Configuration | Transports | Add | Watson Content Hub Integration transport | Add

    The Watson Content Hub transport is added and placed in active state.

  4. Configure the Watson Content Hub transport method.

    Select the check box beside the Watson Content Hub Integration transport method and click Configure. The Transport Configuration Parameters dialog opens.

  5. Enter the values to be used by the transport method:

    Parameter Value
    Password IBMid password that we use to log in to Watson Content Hub.
    Tenant ID Watson Content Hub tenant ID. To view the tenant information:

    1. In the Watson Content Hub header, expand the menu by clicking user name.

    2. Click Hub information.

    3. Note the value of Content hub ID. This is your tenant ID.

    User Name IBMid or email address that we use to log in to Watson Content Hub.

  6. Click OK to accept the changes, or click Cancel to return to the Transport Configuration page.

  7. Work with URL redirect filtering so that Watson Content Hub can be properly accessed.

    1. The following web modules are enabled for URL redirect filtering by default:

      • LobTools

      • Store

      • Preview

      If you have disabled URL redirect filtering for any of those web modules, enable it.

    2. Add the following allowed domain:

        <URLRedirectFilter enable="true"> <AllowedDomain name=""/> </URLRedirectFilter>

  8. (Oracle) Update the STORECONF table to include your tenant ID to ensure that Watson Content Hub is reachable.

    1. Run the following SQL statement:

        update storeconf set value='TenantID' where name = 'wc.externalContent.tenant-id';

      Where TenantID is the Tenant ID value entered in the transport method configuration parameters in the preceding steps.

  9. Update the STORECONF table to include your Watson Content Hub host name to ensure that Watson Content Hub is reachable at the correct address.

    1. In the Watson Content Hub header, expand the menu by clicking your user name.

    2. Click Hub information.

    3. Note the value of Hostname. The value will be in the following format:

      Where X is a number value associated with your host name. For example...

    4. Run the following SQL statement, using the hostname value obtained in the preceding step:

        update storeconf set value='ENABLED' where name='wc.externalContent.enablementMode'
        update storeconf set value='$tenantId' where name='wc.externalContent.tenant-id';
        update storeconf set value='' where name='wc.externalContent.hostName';

    5. Restart the WebSphere Commerce server.

    6. Restart the WebSphere Commerce search server.

Next topic: Enable SSL for Watson Content Hub integration