Add the default content types to Watson Content Hub

We must add the default WebSphere Commerce content types to our hub before we can manage content in Watson Content Hub and Management Center.

Task info

The following content types are available by default after loading them into Watson Content Hub using wchtools:


  1. Download and install wchtools from GitHub.

  2. Download and extract the following sample file to a working directory:

  3. Initialize wchtools with a user in Watson Content Hub that has manager or administration authority to the tenant:

  4. Push the WCH-Commerce-Types assets to the hub:

      wchtools push -A --dir WCH-Commerce-Type_location --password WCH_user_password

  5. Go to Watson Content Hub and ensure that the sample content types are available.

What to do next

After creating WebSphere Commerce content types to manage in Watson Content Hub, we can work with them.

To add additional content types, a Manager or Administrator can create them directly in Watson Content Hub.