Verify the installation

To verify your installation, ensure that we can browse the sample Aurora starter store and that we can access business user tools.


  1. Verify that the following folders were created. These folders are the home directories of the servers.

  2. Start the servers...

  3. Build the search index for the Aurora sample store.

  4. Refresh the workspace and republish the store server.

    1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.

    2. In the Explorer view, select all projects and select File > Refresh (or the F5 keyboard shortcut) to refresh the projects in the workspace.

    3. Open your servers window by clicking...

        Window > Show View > Other > Servers

    4. Right-click the store server, and click Publish.

  5. If you loaded sample data to the database, ensure that the Aurora sample starter store loads properly:

    • For the Aurora sample store: https://hostname:8443/wcs/shop/en/auroraesite

    • For the Aurora B2B store: https://hostname:8443/wcs/shop/en/aurorab2besite

  6. Ensure that we can log on to the Management Center and then launch Store preview.


What to do next

Previous topic: Loading the WebSphere Commerce Developer database schema
Next topic: Enable IBMid for WebSphere Commerce development environment

Related reference
EJB errors after updating to WebSphere Commerce Developer Version or