Configure storefront Reset Password feature to use validation codes

Some stores are configured to generate an arbitrary temporary password for a registered user when the user requests to reset a forgotten password. For added security, we can configure the Reset Password URL to send a randomly generated validation code instead of a temporary password. Validation codes are generated and used as follows:

Note: Validation codes include encrypted information about the session. Therefore, their length cannot be shorted. To update the Reset Password feature to generate validation codes instead of temporary passwords, update the CMDREG database table.


  1. Update the CMDREG database table to enable validation codes.

      update cmdreg 
      set properties='validationCode=true' 
      where interfacename ='';
      update cmdreg set 
      properties ='validationCode=true' 
      where interfacename =''; 
      update cmdreg set 
      properties ='validationCode=true' 
      where interfacename ='';

  2. Modify store JSP files as necessary. For an example of a Validation Code page, see the Aurora starter store Forgot Password, Enter Validation Code, and Change Password pages.

  3. Restart the server or update the CMDREG registry in the Administration Console.

Related concepts
Member subsystem

Related reference
ResetPassword URL
Member subsystem URLs
AdminResetPassword URL
Shopping flow URLs