Forgot Password, Enter Validation Code, and Change Password pages
The Forgot Password page is where registered customers can request for a new password from the store. A validation code is generated and is sent to the email address that was used during registration. The Change Password page appears when registered customers sign in but their password expired.
Elements of the Forgot Password and Enter Validation Code pages
Forgot Password page:
Enter Validation Code page:
On the Forgot Password page, when a customer clicks Send me my validation code, a validation code is generated and sent to the email address that was used during registration. The customer is automatically redirected to the Enter Validation Code page. The Aurora starter store provides increased security by requiring customers to enter the validation code on the same browser session as when the validation code was requested. The validation code is only valid for the current browser session. If a customer closes the browser, the validation code becomes invalid and the customer must complete the forgot password process again.
Elements of the Change Password page
When a customer signs in, if the password is expired, then the customer is redirected to the Change Password page. Passwords expire if they are unchanged for a certain amount of time. The amount of time that a password can exist before customers are prompted to change their password is set in the site's password policy. Site Administrators can update the password policy.
JSP files
- 1 PasswordResetForm.jsp represents the entire Forgot Password page.
- 2 PasswordResetDisplay.jsp represents the entire Enter Validation Code page.
- 3 PasswordUpdateForm.jsp represents the entire Change Password page.
Related reference
My Account flows