Define business context sets for a Web application

Business contexts establish an execution environment that affects the output of a business component for the equivalent input based on the solution needs. The output produced by a component for a given input is always identical for the same set of contexts. Contexts are not directly invoked by clients of the business processes. Instead it is the business component that uses the services provided by the contexts during the execution of a request. A context provides a set of service methods and may optionally store session data that does not change very often over an activity lifespan. The lifespan of a context starts with the creation of an activity and ends with the completion of the activity.


  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.

  2. Set the contextSetName attribute within the Module element. For example, to enable the CommerceAccelerator web application to use the Authoring business context:

              contextPath="/web application/wcs/tools"
              urlMappingPath="/servlet" webAlias="/wcs">
                      <InitParameters adapters="BrowserAdapter" contextSetName="Authoring"/>

    The predefined business context sets defined in the business context configuration files are:

      Defines the minimum set of business contexts. Use Default when the context set does not belong to a Web application for example, MQ requests. This is the default context set as specified by the activeCtxSetId attribute in the BusinessContext.xml file

      Defines the business context set for requests that come through the Store web application. For example, catalog browsing, and order processing through the storefront.

      Defines the business context set for requests that come through the Accelerator web application. This context set supports content management and preview capabilities.

      Defines the business context set for requests that come through the Administration web applications (Orgadminconsole and Adminconsole). This context set supports administering the site.

  3. Save and close the file.

Related concepts
Business context service

Related tasks
Creating a new business context

Related reference
Business Context configuration file