Run Engine commands for Transaction server
Use the following Run Engine commands to configure the Transaction server Docker container. The following table contains the default Run Engine commands for the server to start. To view the scripts, start with /SETUP/bin/ To implement custom logic or override existing configurations, ensure that the necessary parameters can be resolved by the commands during startup.
Description Command Convert the environment to an authoring environment. Converts the ts-app live image to authoring image. run convert-to-auth Set or change merchant key. run update-encrypted-merchantkey <MERCHANTKEY_ENCRYPT>
- The encrypted merchant key.
Set JVM properties: spi.username, spi.password
run set-spi-user <userName> <ASCII_encrypted_password>
- userName
- SPI username. The default user name is spiuser.
- password
- The ASCII encrypted password. We can encrypt the password by using utilities_root/ utility.
For development or authoring environment, set Search server name binding. run set-search-server <search_host> <search_port>
- search_host
- Search host name.
- search_port
- Search port.
For live environments, set Search server name binding for the Search repeater. run set-search-server <search_host> <search_port> [search_repeater_host] [search_repeater_port]
- search_host
- Search host name.
- search_port
- Search port.
- search_repeater_host
- Search Repeater hostname, for live environments.
- search_repeater_port
- Search Repeater port, for live environments (for example, 3738).
For authoring environments, add JAAS, JDBC provider, datasource connection information to connect to the live database. run add-datasource <jndi> dbNamedbType dbHost dbPortdbUser dbPass <xa> sslConnect
- jndi
- The name of the JNDI.
- The default value for the Transaction server is jdbc/WCDataSource.
- dbName
- The name of the database.
- dbType
- The database type.
- For example, db2.
- dbHost
- The host name of the database server.
- dbPort
- The database server port.
- dbUser
- The database user name.
- dbPass
- The database password.
- xa
- (Boolean) Determines whether it is an XA data source. Set this value to false if we are using the default datasource.
- sslConnect
- (Boolean) Enable SSL connection.
Set connection to Store server. run set-store-server <hostName> <port>
- hostName
- Store host name.
- port
- Store port.
Set store host name in the foundation wc-component.xml sed -i "s/value=\"store\"/value=\"${STORE_HOST}\"/g" /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/default/installedApps/localhost/ts.ear/xml/config/ Note: This is not a Run Engine command but it is a configuration needed for Management Center store preview to work. If the host name of your Store server Docker container is not store, then change the value as needed.
Set connection to Customization server by setting customization schema, host name, and port number. run set-xc-server <hostName> <port>
- hostName
- Customization server host name.
- port
- Customization server port number.
Set connection to the Store web server for stores that are migrated from WebSphere Commerce Version 7 or Version 8. run set-store-web-server <storeWebHost> <storeWebPort>
- storeWebHost
- Host name of the web server for the migrated store.
- storeWebPort
- Web server port.
Update database user and password credentials used to connect to the database. run update-datasource-cred <jndi> dbUser<dbPass>
- jndi
- The name of the JNDI.
- The default value for the Transaction server is jdbc/WCDataSource.
- dbUser
- The user name to connect to the DB2 database.
- dbPass
- The password for the dbUser.
Update database name, database server host name, database server port credentials used to connect to the database. run update-datasource-db <jndi> <database> <dbHost> <dbPort> <sslConnect>
- jndi
- The name of the JNDI.
- The default value for the Transaction server is jdbc/WCDataSource.
- database
- The name of the database.
- dbHost
- The host name of the database server.
- dbPort
- The database server port.
- sslConnect
- (Optional) Enable or disable the SSL protocol. If set to True, SSL is used. If False, SSL is disabled.
Add the JVM parameter string to existing JVM options (/Server:server1/JavaProcessDef:/JavaVirtualMachine:/). run add-generic-jvmarg <jvmArg>
- jvmArg
- The JVM argument.
For example, the following command sets -Xgcpolicy:gencon to a generic JVM argument.
run add-generic-jvmarg -Xgcpolicy:gencon
Create new object cache instance. We can see the object cache list in Resources/Cache instances/Object cache instances of the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console in the Transaction Server. run add-objectcache <jndiName> <cacheSize> replicationType
- jndiName
- (String) JNDI Name of the object cache.
- cacheSize
- (Integer) Size of the object cache in MB.
- replicationType
- Replication type of the object cache. Valid values are
Note: This command adds an object cache instance if one does not exist.
Updates virtualhosts.xml run add-virtual-host <VirtualHostName> <ListOfPorts>
- VirtualHostName
- Name of the virtual host.
- ListOfPorts
- A comma-separated list of port aliases for the virtual host.
For example,
run add-virtual-host MyVirtualHost 24,40000,50600
Create reserved work manager and sets max thread number to 10. run add-work-manager-reserved Create work manager and set max thread number. run add-work-manager <name> <maxThread>
- name
- The Work Manager name.
- maxThread
- MaxThread for the work manager. Adds a Work Manager if it does not exist.
Enable application security. run enable-security <appName>
- appName
- Application name.
Configuration default values for activeUserRegistry, Authtype, AppSecurityEnablement, WIMuserRegistry, and mapping role to users.
Enable servlet and command caching for web container setting. run enable-servlet-caching Enables servlet caching
For example, run enable-servlet-caching
Check whether the server1 is started by serverStatus command. run get-status Reset the trace level to default (*=information). run reset-dynamic-trace-specification Configure the database data source connection property. run set-connection-pool <JNDI name> <connectionTimeout> <maxConnections> <minConnections> <reapTime> <unusedTimeout> <agedTimeout> <purgePolicy>
- JNDI name
- JNDI name of the datasource.
- connectionTimeout
- Time in seconds connection request waits before timeout exception.
- maxConnections
- The maximum number of physical connections in this pool.
- minConnections
- The minimum number of physical connections in this pool.
- reapTime
- Time interval in seconds to start the pool maintenance thread.
- unusedTimeout
- Time in seconds after which discard an unused connection.
- agedTimeout
- Time in seconds before a physical connection is discarded.
- purgePolicy
- Policy to purge connections when a connection error is detected.
For example, EntirePool or FailingConnectionOnly
Change trace level to passed trace level run set-dynamic-trace-specification <spec>
- spec
- The new logging trace specification.
Sets the trace specification
Change initialHeapSize and maximumHeapSize to specific values run set-heap-size <initHeapSize> <maxHeapSize>
- initHeapSize
- The minimum heap size.
- maxHeapSize
- The maximum heap size.
Create string name space binding. run set-jndi-entry <name> <value>
- name
- JNDI Name.
- value
- JNDI Value.
Set JPA specification compliance level. run set-jpa-spec-level <level>
- level
- Specification compliance level.
Updates an existing server property or adds a server property. run set-server-property <propertyName> <propertyValue>
- propertyName
- property Name.
- propertyValue
- property Value.
For example, run set-server-property threshold 1800
Set SSL protocol for SSL setting. run set-ssl-protocol <sslProtocol>
- sslProtocol
- SSL protocol value. Valid values are are
- TLSv1
- TLSv1.1
- TLSv1.2
- SSLv2
- SSLv3
Sets the alias of the certificate to use for the server. run set-ssl-server-alias <alias>
- alias
- The certificate alias for the server.
Change WebSphere Application Server data source properties (statement cache size) for specific data source. run set-statement-cache <jndi> <cacheSize>
- jndi
- JNDI name of the datasource.
- cacheSize
- Value for StatementCacheSize.
Set JVM custom property. run set-system-property <name> <value>
- name
- JVM System property name.
- value
- JVM System property Value.
Sets a JVM custom property
For example, run set-system-property SKIP_IDENTIFIER_CHECK true
Sets JVM custom property SKIP_IDENTIFIER_CHECK to true.
Sets new application thread pool properties. run set-thread-pool <threadName> <minSize> <maxSize> <inactivityTimeout> <isGrowable>
- threadName
- Thread name.
- minSize
- Minimum size.
- maxSize
- Maximum size.
- inactivityTimeout
- Thread inactivity timeout.
- isGrowable
- Determines whether the pool can grow. Valid values are true or false.
For example, run set-thread-pool webContainer 60 60 3000 false
Make trace.log and ffdc log generate to this directory. run set-trace-log-directory <directory>
- directory
- The location to write the logs.
Enable specific trace. run set-trace-specification <spec>
- spec
- The new logging trace specification.
Sets a web container property. Add custom properties for web container setting (for example, HideSessionValues, httpOnlyCookies).
run set-webcontainer-property <name> <value>
- name
- Property name.
- value
- Property value.
For example, run set-webcontainer-property httpOnlyCookies WC_GENERIC_ACTIVITYDATA,WC_AUTHENTICATION_*
Change WebSphere Application Server administrator password. run update-admin-password <adminUser> <adminPassword>
- adminUser
- Name of the WebSphere Application Server admin.
- adminPassword
- New password for the WebSphere Application Server administrator.
Update all keystores that use the provided new password. run update-keystore-passwords <password> <new password>
- password
- The current password.
- new password
- The new password.
For example, run update-keystore-passwords aaa bbb
Update replication type of object cache instance if it exists. run update-objectcache-replicationtype <jndi> <type>
- jndi
- JNDI Name of the object cache we want to change.
- type
- Replication type of the object cache ['PULL, PUSH, PUSH_PULL, NONE']
For example, run update-object-cache dmap/PriceCachePUSH
If cache instance with JNDI name dmap/PriceCache exists, update replication type to PUSH.
Update the size of object cache instance if it exists. run update-objectcache-size <jndi> <size>
- jndi
- JNDI Name of the object cache.
- size
- New size of the object cache.
For example, run update-objectcache-size dmap/PriceCache 30000
If cache instance with JNDI name dmap/PriceCache exists, update cacheSize to 30000.
Update work manager setting if the work manager exists. run update-work-manager-thread <name> <minThreads> <maxThreads> <optional:threadPriority>
- name
- The WorkManager name.
- minThreads
- The minimum number of threads.
- maxThreads
- The Maximum number of threads.
- threadPriority
- The priority to assign to all threads in the thread pool.
Deploy an ear to to was. run install-ear <transaction-server-ear-name>
- transaction-server-ear-name
- Name of the EAR file on the Transaction server.
Install OIDC application to the application server run time. run install-oidc <ear-name>
- ear-name
- EAR name of OIDC application.
Pass buildIdHost, clientId, clientSecrect parameters to configure OIDC for IBM ID run set-oidc-configuration <blueIdHost> <clientId> <clientSecret>
- blueIdHost
- The blue ID environment host name. Either '' for preproduction or '' for production.
- clientId
- The client ID of the server is registered with an IBM ID endpoint.
- clientSecret
- The client secret for the Server to authenticate with an IBM ID endpoint.
Change JVM property (EncryptionKeysInSystemProperty, CurrentEncryptedMerchantKey, CurrentEncryptedSessionKey).
run set-encryption-keys merchantKey<sessionKey>
- merchantKey
- Encrypted merchant key.
- sessionKey
- Encrypted session key.
Change JVM property(wc.remote.kafka,wc.remote.kafka.topicPrefix, wc.remote.zookeeper,,
run set-kafka-server <KafkaServers> <TopicPrefix> <ZookeeperServers>
- KafkaServers
- List of Kafka servers, separated by a comma.
Kafka IDs must follow the pattern hostname:port.
- kafkaTopicPrefix
- Kafka Topic Prefix.
- listOfZookeeper
- List of ZooKeeper (zookeeperId1, zookeeperId2,.., zookeeperIdn) must be separated by comma. Zookeeper IDs must follow the pattern: <hostname:port>
Change MQ connection pool information. run change-mqadapter-max-connection <connectionNumber>
- connectionNumber
- Maximum number of connections.
- The default maximum connection number is 10.
Create JMS connection factory. run create-jms-connection-factory <mqServerHost> <mqServerPort> <queueManager> <connectionNumber>
- mqServerHost
- IBM MQ Server.
- mqServerPort
- IBM MQ Server port.
- queueManager
- IBM MQ queue manager.
- connection Number
- Maximum connection number.
- The default maximum connection number is 10.
For example, run create-jms-connection-factory 1414 FVT 15
IBM MQ server is, port is 1414, queueManager is FVT.
Create JMS queues. create-jms-queues <queueManager>
- queueManager
- IBM MQ queue manager.
For example, run create-jms-queues FVT
Enable application activity sessions. run enable-activity-session <timeout>
- timeout
- The timeout value in seconds.
- Default value is 300 seconds.
Update the datasource information in the wc-server.xml file. run update-wcserver-db <dbType> <dbHost> dbPort<dbname> <dbauser> <dbapassword> <dbuser> <dbpassword> [<nodeName>]
- dbType
- Database type. Set to db2.
- dbHost
- Database host name.
- dbPort
- Database port number.
- dbname
- Database name.
- dbauser
- Database admin user.
- dbapassword
- Database admin encrypted password.
- dbuser
- Database user.
- dbpassword
- Database encrypted password.
- nodeName
- The node name of the remote database[optional].
Set schedulerID. Works with schedulerCloneID.
run add-generic-jvmarg${schedulerID}
Set schedulerCloneID.
Works with schedulerID.
run add-generic-jvmarg${schedulerCloneID}
Create a WebSphere eXtreme Scale domain. run create-XS-Domain <hostname> <port>
- hostname
- The host name of the WebSphere eXtreme Scale catalog server.
- port
- The listener port of the WebSphere eXtreme Scale catalog server.
For WebSphere eXtreme Scale integration, connect the baseCache instance to WebSphere eXtreme Scale cache provider. run connect-basecache-wxs <size> <optional:gridName> <optional:mapName>
- size
- The new size of the default dynamic cache instance (baseCache).
- gridName
- (Optional) The name of the grid on the WebSphere eXtreme Scale server.
- mapName
- (Optional) The name of the map on the WebSphere eXtreme Scale server.
For WebSphere eXtreme Scale integration, connect the object cache instance to the WebSphere eXtreme Scale cache provider. Scale. run connect-objectcache-wxs <jndi> <size> <optional:gridName> <optional:mapName>
- jndi
- The JNDI name of the object cache.
- size
- The new size of the object cache instance.
- gridName
- (Optional) The name of the grid on the WebSphere eXtreme Scale server.
- mapName
- (Optional) The name of the map on the WebSphere eXtreme Scale server.
1The SPI username and password is used for inter-component server API invocation only. The spiuser is configured in the Store server, Search server and Customization server, and used in the API invocation from those servers to the Transaction server. The images need to be configured with the spiuser password, otherwise the component servers cannot connect to the Transaction server.