Order Management subsystem

The Order Management subsystem is a component of the Transaction Server that provides shopping carts, order capture, order fulfillment, inventory, and payment function support.

Order management is broadly divided into:

In addition, the subsystem deals with order management capabilities such as:

Related concepts
Available to promise (ATP) inventory allocation
Calculation codes for orders
Discount codes
Fulfillment centers
Fulfillment centers and shipping arrangements
Pricing and offers
Orders and order items
Order capture mechanisms
Requisition lists
Quantity units
Shipping codes
Tax codes
Return items
Kits and kit components for returns
Order items and catalog entries for returns
Suggested refund amount
Automatic approval for returns

Related tasks
Enable euro currency support

Related reference
Dual display guidelines
Euro currency guidelines
SetCurrencyPreference URL
Order Management subsystem URLs
Error codes for error views
Order method URLs
ScheduledOrderCancel URL
ReturnCancel URL
ReturnCreate URL
ReturnCreditAndCloseScan command
ReturnDisplay URL
ReturnItemAdd URL
ReturnItemDelete URL
ReturnItemUpdate URL
ReturnListDisplay URL
ReturnPrepare URL
ReturnProcess URL