Example: Catalog entry description override

We can use the Data Load utility or Catalog Upload feature to create, replace, or delete catalog entry description overrides for our extended site store. Catalog entry description overrides provides you with the capability of overriding the catalog entry descriptions that are inherited from our asset store. By overriding the inherited catalog entry descriptions, we can create store specific catalog entry descriptions for display on your storefront.

This example uses a CSV file to demonstrate how to insert, replace, or delete your data. We can also create and use an XML formatted file to insert, replace, or delete your data. If you choose to create and use an XML formatted file, ensure that your XML elements use the same names as are used for CSV column names.

After you load your description override data, we can verify that the data is loaded within Management Center and in the storefront. In the Management Center Catalogs tool, open the properties view for the catalog entry to verify the override information. We can further change your override information in this properties view. To verify the data in the storefront, we can launch store preview in Management Center. For more information about using the Management Center to change and preview your description overrides, see Adding catalog entry description overrides.

CSV column and XML element definitions

CSV file with sample catalog entry description data


In this example, the data source is a CSV file. The file contains sample catalog entry descriptions. Not all available fields are shown in the example.CSV file with sample catalog entry description override data.

Formatted CSV file with column headings
PartNumber LanguageId Name ShortDescription LongDescription
AuroraWMDRS-11 -1 White Flower Sundress Celebrate life with this white flower sundress
AuroraWMDRS-6 -1 Strapless Cocktail Dress, Luigi Valenti red cocktail dress with appliqued roses and tassels at the hem

Formatted CSV file with column headings - continued
Thumbnail FullImage
images/catalog/apparel/women/womens_dresses_160x160/WD_031_a_red.jpg images/catalog/apparel/women/womens_dresses_1000x1000/WD_031_a_red.jpg
images/catalog/apparel/women/womens_dresses_160x160/WD_006_a_red.jpg images/catalog/apparel/women/womens_dresses_1000x1000/WD_006_a_red.jpg


In this example, the CSV file contains sample catalog entry override descriptions for deletion. Only the required fields are shown in the sample.
CSV file with sample catalog entry description override deletion data.

Formatted CSV file with column headings
PartNumber Language_ID Delete
Example-PN-10001 -1 1
Example-PN-10002 -1 1

Mapping data

The following code snippet from the catalog entry description override loader configuration file demonstrates how to map each value to a business object logical schema path.

If you perform an insert or replace operation, do not specify the "Delete" column in the CSV file or we can leave the "Delete" column empty.

Business object mediator

The mediator class name is CatalogEntryDescriptionOverrideMediator.

Note: When we use a mediator that is provided with WebSphere Commerce with the Data Load utility, the utility assumes that we are loading data for all columns for a business object. To update the data in only specific columns, configure a column exclusion list for the load process. A column exclusion list causes the Data Load utility to ignore specific columns during the load operation. If you do not use a column exclusion list, the utility updates all columns in the row of a database table row when the utility updates the row. If no value is set in the input file, the utility can replace the existing column value with a default value or set the value to be null. See Configure a column exclusion list.