Samples: Data Load utility

The samples provided with the Data Load utility demonstrate best-practice methods for loading data using common loading scenarios. Use the samples as a template for loading our own data to the store.

Data Load samples description

Each sample includes source data in comma-separated values (CSV) format and the required data load configuration files. We can run the samples as is, or we can edit the CSV files and configuration files to load our own data. The samples are in the following location:

Where the DataLoad samples directory contains the following subdirectories:

The following diagram shows the structure of the master catalog and sales catalog in the store after the samples in the Catalog directory are run:

master catalog and sales catalog after catalog samples are loaded."/>

Each sample is configured to load data into a starter store by default. Update the environment configuration setting to specify the store identifier for any sample that we want. See Sample: Setting up the Data Load utility

Prerequisites for running the samples

The following prerequisites are required for running the Data Load utility samples:

Running SQL statements in the samples

Each of the samples contains SQL statements for verifying data and for cleaning up the data. To run the SQL statements, use the following steps: (DB2)

  1. Open the DB2 Command Center.

  2. Type the SQL statement in the script window.


  1. Open the Oracle SQL Plus command window.

  2. Type the SQL statement in the SQL Plus window.

Data Load utility samples