Marketing content image map input file definitions
Use a MarketingContentImageMap.csv input file to load data to create image map information for the marketing content that belongs to a store. After you load the data, business users can manage the new image map information with the Marketing tool.We can extract the image map information for marketing content objects with the Data Extract utility to create a MarketingContentImageMap.csv input file that you then can load with the Data Load utility. For example, to copy or move marketing content and related data between stores or instances, such as for creating one or more test environments. Sample configuration files are provided for you to use with the Data Extract utility to extract the image map data from the COLLIMGMAPAREA database table.
Sample configuration files are also provided for you to use with the Data Load utility to load the image map data. When you load the MarketingContentImageMap.csv file, the Data Load utility populates the COLLIMGMAPAREA database table. For more information about extracting and loading marketing data, see
- Extracting marketing data with the Data Extract utility
- Loading marketing objects with the Data Load utility
When you load image map data for marketing content, we might need to load additional information. For example, if the content does not exist in your target store, we must first load the data to create the content. For more information about the marketing content-related data that we can load, see:
- Marketing content input file definitions
- Marketing content description input file definitions
- Marketing content attachment input file definitions
- Marketing content attachment description input file definitions
Note: When you load changes to replace multiple click actions (image map) for marketing content with no click actions, the multiple click actions can remain after the load process completes. If your input file includes data to set the marketing content to have no click actions, the utility updates the record for the content to reflect the input file change. However, if your input file does not include data to remove the click actions from the COLLIMGMAPAREA table, the click action data remains after the load operation completes. These click actions continue to be associated with the content and display for the content in Management Center and the storefront. To remove the click actions, delete the content, which causes a cascade delete operation that removes the click actions. Then, load data to re-create the content, and if needed, any of the click actions that need to remain. We can also use the Marketing tool to remove or change the click actions for marketing content.
- contentName
- (Required, String) The name of the marketing content.
- languageId
- (Required, Integer) The language ID for the language-specific fields in this input file.
- coordinates
- (String) The coordinates of the image map. The coordinates identify the size and location for the click action area. The coordinates for each shape must be in the following format:
- Rectangle: Specify the upper left and lower right coordinates. Define these two coordinates in the format: X1, Y1, X2, Y2 (Where X1, Y1, is the upper left coordinate, and X2, Y2 is the lower right coordinate).
- Circle: Specify the center point for the circle and the radius. Define the center point location for our circle and radius in the format: X, Y, Radius (Where X, Y are horizontal and vertical coordinates for the center of the circle, and R is the radius of the circle).
- Polygon: We must specify at least six coordinates and we must specify an even number of coordinates to complete the polygon shape. Use the format X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ... Xn, Yn
- title
- (String) The hover text that a customer views when they hover over the click action area.
- altText
- (String) The alternate text for the click action area.
- shape
- (String) Specify the shape of the image map. We can specify one of the following shapes for the image map area:
- rect for a rectangle.
- circle for a circle.
- poly for a polygon.
- sequence
- (Double) The sequence that the image map area displays for the marketing content.
Maps to
- (String) The location where the target page is to display when it opens. For example, we can set the value to be _blank, _parent, _self, or _top.
- url
- (String) The URL that opens when a customer clicks the click action area. Specify a URL href for each area you include in the HTML code for the htmlDefinition column or element. Prefix the href path with the context or servlet path for the URL or image path. For example, [webapp/wcs/preview/servlet]/[CategoryDisplay?categoryId=10001].
When we use the Data Extract utility to generate the MarketingContentImageMap.csv file, the utility converts any product or category ID values to the corresponding product or category external identifier. When you then load the data, the utility converts the external identifiers to the correct ID value for the product or category in the target database.
- htmlDefinition
- (String) The HTML definition for the image map.
When we use the Data Extract utility to generate the MarketingContentImageMap.csv file, the utility converts any product or category ID values to the corresponding product or category external identifier. When you then load the data, the utility converts the external identifiers to the correct ID value for the product or category in the target database.
- field1
- (String) Customizable field. Can be used to store other attributes.
- field2
- (String) Customizable field. Can be used to store other attributes.
- field3
- (String) Customizable field. Can be used to store other attributes.
- field4
- (String) Customizable field. Can be used to store other attributes.
- field5
- (String) Customizable field. Can be used to store other attributes.
- delete
- (String) Indicates whether to delete the record. Specify 1 to delete the record.
Note: To delete all of the database records that match the records in a file, we can run the Data Load utility in delete mode. See Configure the data load order.