
Schema wc-dataload-businessobject.xsd
Target Namespace
Namespace Table

include wc-dataload-common.xsd
include wc-dataload-datasource-data.xsd


Complex Types

Simple Types


Complex Type BusinessObjectBuilder
Diagram BusinessObjectBuilder NameValuePair NameValuePair DataMapping DataMapping Table Table BusinessObjectMediator BusinessObjectMediator
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        BusinessObjectBuilder {}

Content Details

property A section for defining custom properties in the form of name-value pairs that define custom business object builder properties.
DataMapping A container element where we can specify how data is mapped to business objects.

This node defines a list of physical tables and columns and the data mapping to them. The data for each table column can come from:

  • The data read by the data reader. (Default)
  • A fixed value.
  • The business context.
  • An ID resolution.
BusinessObjectMediator Defines how WebSphere Commerce business objects are transformed into physical table data objects. It is also used to choose the data persistence method.
Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
className String Yes N/A

The implementation class of the business object mediator to use.

componentId String No N/A

The component ID the data objects belong to.


    Defines how data is mapped to WebSphere Commerce business objects. It is also used to choose the data persistence method.
    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    className String Yes N/A

    The implementation class of the business object builder to use.

      This business object builder maps data to a business object. If using this builder, specify these attributes: packageName - The package this generated data object belongs to. dataObjectType - The name of the data object.

    packageName String No N/A

    The package this generated data object belongs to.

    dataObjectType String No N/A

    The name of the data object.


     <xsd:complexType name="BusinessObjectBuilder">      
                  <xsd:element name="property" type="_config:NameValuePair" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
                  <xsd:element name="DataMapping" type="_config:DataMapping" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">   
                  <xsd:element name="Table" type="_config:Table" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
                  <xsd:element name="BusinessObjectMediator" type="_config:BusinessObjectMediator" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">   
             <xsd:attribute name="className" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 
             <xsd:attribute name="packageName" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 
             <xsd:attribute name="dataObjectType" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 

Complex Type BusinessObjectMediator
Diagram BusinessObjectMediator NameValuePair NameValuePair context context DataWriter DataWriter
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        BusinessObjectMediator {}

Content Details

property A section for defining custom properties in the form of name-value pairs that define custom business object mediator properties.
context Defines the business context keys required for this load and which context they can be found in.

The data writer to use for the entire load. This can be overridden in the business object configuration file.

Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
className String Yes N/A

The implementation class of the data writer to use.

    This data writer writes the physical objects to the database directly using JDBC with batch support. This is typically used in the delta data load scenario.
    This data writer will convert the physical objects to a file in the database native loadable format. This is usually used in the initial data load.


      Defines how WebSphere Commerce business objects are transformed into physical table data objects. It is also used to choose the data persistence method.
    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    className String Yes N/A

    The implementation class of the business object mediator to use.

    componentId String No N/A

    The component ID the data objects belong to.


     <xsd:complexType name="BusinessObjectMediator">      
               <xsd:element name="property" type="_config:NameValuePair" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
                  <xsd:element name="context" type="_config:context" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
                  <xsd:element name="DataWriter" type="_config:DataWriter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">   
             <xsd:attribute name="className" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/> 
             <xsd:attribute name="componentId" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 

Complex Type Column
Diagram Column IDResolve IDResolve
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        Column {}

Content Details

IDResolve This node should be used if the value for a column needs to be resolved.



    This node defines a table column and the data mapping to it. The data for each table column can come from:

    • The data read by the data reader. (Default)
    • A fixed value.
    • The business context.
    • An ID resolution.
    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    name String Yes N/A

    The name of the column.

    value String Yes N/A

    The value to set for the column.

    valueFrom String No N/A

    This attribute describes where the value for the table column is coming from.

    It can have the following possible entries:

    • Fixed – The value specified is fixed value and should be set for the property.
    • InputData – The value is from the input data.
    • BusinessContext – The value is from the business context service.
    • IDResolve – The value is from an ID resolution.
    The default valueFrom setting is InputData. If using InputData there is no need to provide the valueFrom attribute.


     <xsd:complexType name="Column">      
                  <xsd:element name="IDResolve" type="_config:IDResolve" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">   
             <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="valueFrom" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>  

Complex Type ColumnExclusionList
Diagram ColumnExclusionList ExclusionTable ExclusionTable
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        ColumnExclusionList {}

Content Details

table A table that is excluded from any changes by the utility.



    Lists columns within tables that should not be modified by the data load utility.


     <xsd:complexType name="ColumnExclusionList"> 
                  <xsd:element name="table" type="_config:ExclusionTable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   

Complex Type context
Diagram context
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        context {}

Content Details


           Defines the business context keys required for this load
           and which context they can be found in.


     <xsd:complexType name="context"> 
          <xsd:attribute name="key" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified">  
          <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified">  
          <xsd:attribute name="propertyName" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified">  
          <xsd:attribute name="defaultValue" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified">  

Complex Type DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration
Diagram DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration DataLoader DataLoader
Inheritance Hierarchy

Content Details

DataLoader Specifies the data reader and business object builder.



    Data load configuration consists of the following files:

    1. The load configuration. (wc-dataload.xsd)
    2. The environment configuration. (wc-dataload-env.xsd)
    3. The business object configuration. (wc-dataload-businessobject.xsd)

    Data load configuration also consists of the following non-customizable files:

    1. The default set of common definitions used by the data load configuration. (wc-dataload-common.xsd)
    2. The default data reader types. (wc-dataload-datasource-data.xsd)

    This configuration file defines: how data maps to WebSphere Commerce business objects, how the data is mediated into physical objects, and how the data is persisted.


     <xsd:complexType name="DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration">      
                  <xsd:element name="DataLoader" type="_config:DataLoader" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">   

Complex Type DataLoader
Diagram DataLoader NameValuePair NameValuePair ColumnExclusionList ColumnExclusionList DataReader DataReader BusinessObjectBuilder BusinessObjectBuilder
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        DataLoader {}

Content Details


A section for defining custom properties in the form of name-value pairs that define custom data load properties.


Lists columns within tables that should not be modified by the data load utility.


The data reader allows users to specify the details of the data source, input data and how the data should be read in.

Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
lineDelimiter String No New line character

A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the line separator character (or record separator character) in the CSV file. Default is the new line character. The lineDelimiter cannot appear in the content of a token.

tokenDelimiter String No comma character: ‘,’

A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the token separator character for one record. The default is the comma character: ‘,’.

tokenValueDelimiter String No The double quote character: ‘”’.

A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the token value delimiter. That is, if a token value begins and ends with the tokenValueDelimiter, it is stripped and not be part of the token value. The default is the double quote character: ‘”’. It is used when there are some special characters in the token content; the token begins and end with the tokenValueDelimiter. The special character can be the tokenDelimiter and tokenValueDelimiter characters. If the tokenValueDelimiter itself is in the token content, use two tokenValueDelimiter characters to escape it. For example, if the double quote ‘”’ is the tokenValueDelimiter and the token content also contains the ‘”’ character, use two double quotes ’””’ to represent one double quote.

charset String No UTF-8

A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the CSV file encoding. The default is UTF-8.

firstLineIsHeader String No false

A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. This specifies that the first line in the CSV file is a header information and it is ignored in the CSVReader. Default is false.

useHeaderAsColumnName String No false

A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. This specifies whether to use the header information in the first line of the CSV file as the column name to override the column name configuration. Default is false.

BusinessObjectBuilder Defines how data is mapped to WebSphere Commerce business objects. It is also used to choose the data persistence method.
Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
className String Yes N/A

The implementation class of the business object builder to use. default the following is provided.

    This business object builder maps data to a business object. If using this default builder, the following attributes must be specified: packageName - The package this generated data object belongs to. dataObjectType - The name of the data object.

packageName String No N/A

The package this generated data object belongs to.

dataObjectType String No N/A

The name of the data object.


    Specifies the data reader and business object builder.
    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    className String Yes

    The data load implementation class.

      The default implementation of the data load utility. Controls the entire load for a load item.


     <xsd:complexType name="DataLoader">      
                  <xsd:element name="property" type="_config:NameValuePair" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
                  <xsd:element name="ColumnExclusionList" type="_config:ColumnExclusionList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">   
               <xsd:element name="DataReader" type="_config:DataReader" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">   
               <xsd:element name="BusinessObjectBuilder" type="_config:BusinessObjectBuilder" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
             <xsd:attribute name="className" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/> 

Complex Type DataMapping
Diagram DataMapping Mapping Mapping
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        DataMapping {}

Content Details

Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
xpath String Yes N/A

The path pointing to a property in the logical data object.

value String Yes N/A

The value is the value to set for the data object property.

it can contain two possible entries:

  • A fixed value
  • A key from the data source data

valueFrom String No N/A

This attribute describes where the value for the logical data object property is coming from.

It can have the following possible entries:

  • Fixed – The value specified is fixed value and should be set for the property.
  • InputData – The value is from the input data;/LI>
The default valueFrom setting is InputData. If using InputData, do not specify.

empty String No N/A

it specifies that if the value read from the CSV is empty, what it should be saved in the database.

It can have the following possible entries:

  • null, set to null in the database. This is the default behavior
  • empty, save as an empty string in the database
deleteValue String No N/A

It is used in the case where the data source data contains a flag indicating that data should be deleted. If in the CSV file, this column contains a value equals the deleteValue, this row is deleted.


      A container element where we can specify how data is mapped to business objects.


     <xsd:complexType name="DataMapping"> 
                  <xsd:element name="mapping" type="_config:Mapping" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   

Complex Type DataReader
Diagram DataReader NameValuePair NameValuePair Data Data
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        DataReader {}

Content Details

property A customizable area for a custom data reader to define properties in the form of name-value pairs. The properties can be retrieved through the DataReader.getConfigProperties().getProperty(propertyName) method.
Data An area for a definition of the data structure that the data reader is reading.



    The data reader allows users to specify the details of the data source, input data and how the data should be read in.

    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    lineDelimiter String No New line character

    A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the line separator character (or record separator character) in the CSV file. Default is the new line character. The lineDelimiter cannot appear in the content of a token.

    tokenDelimiter String No comma character: ‘,’

    A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the token separator character for one record. The default is the comma character: ‘,’.

    tokenValueDelimiter String No The double quote character: ‘”’.

    A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the token value delimiter. That is, if a token value begins and ends with the tokenValueDelimiter, it is stripped and not be part of the token value. The default is the double quote character: ‘”’. It is used when there are some special characters in the token content; the token should begin and end with the tokenValueDelimiter. The special character can be the tokenDelimiter and tokenValueDelimiter characters. If the tokenValueDelimiter itself is in the token content, it should use two tokenValueDelimiter characters to escape it. For example, if the double quote ‘”’ is the tokenValueDelimiter and the token content also contains the ‘”’ character, use two double quotes ’””’ to represent one double quote.

    charset String No UTF-8

    A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. Specifies the CSV file encoding. The default is UTF-8.

    firstLineIsHeader String No false

    A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. This specifies that the first line in the CSV file is a header information and it is ignored in the CSVReader. Default is false.

    useHeaderAsColumnName String No false

    A convenience attribute for use with the default CSV Reader. This specifies whether to use the header information in the first line of the CSV file as the column name to override the column name configuration. Default is false.


     <xsd:complexType name="DataReader">      
                  <xsd:element name="property" type="_config:NameValuePair" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
                  <xsd:element name="Data" type="_config:Data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">   
             <xsd:attribute name="className" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/> 
       <xsd:attribute name="lineDelimiter" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 
       <xsd:attribute name="tokenDelimiter" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 
       <xsd:attribute name="tokenValueDelimiter" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 
       <xsd:attribute name="charset" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 
       <xsd:attribute name="firstLineIsHeader" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 
       <xsd:attribute name="useHeaderAsColumnName" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 

Complex Type DataWriter
Diagram DataWriter NameValuePair NameValuePair
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        DataWriter {}

Content Details

property A section for defining custom properties in the form of name-value pairs that define custom data writer properties.



    The data writer to use for the entire load. This can be overridden in the business object configuration file.

    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    className String Yes N/A

    The implementation class of the data writer to use.

      This data writer writes the physical objects to the database directly using JDBC with batch support. This is typically used in the delta data load scenario.
      This data writer will convert the physical objects to a file in the database native loadable format. This is usually used in the initial data load.


     <xsd:complexType name="DataWriter">      
                  <xsd:element name="property" type="_config:NameValuePair" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
             <xsd:attribute name="className" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/> 

Complex Type ExclusionTable
Diagram ExclusionTable
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        ExclusionTable {}

Content Details


    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    name String Yes N/A

    The name of the table to exclude.

    columns String Yes N/A

    A comma separated list of columns from the table that should not be modified.


     <xsd:complexType name="ExclusionTable">      
             <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="columns" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/> 

Complex Type IDResolve
Diagram IDResolve UniqueIndexColumn UniqueIndexColumn
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        IDResolve {}

Content Details

UniqueIndexColumn The UniqueIndexColumn element contains the following attributes: • name – the column name. It is mandatory. • value – the column value. It is mandatory. It is usually a value key and the real column value will be determined by the valueFrom attribute and also the input data. • valueFrom – It is used to indicate how the column value in the value attribute is determined. It is optional. The possible values for the valueFrom are: • InputData – It is the default. That is, if the valueFrom is not specified, the default is this value. • Fixed – It mens that the column value is fixed with the value defined in the value attribute. • BusinessContext – It means that the column value is from the business context. • IDResolve – It means that the column value will be resolved by the ID resolver. In this case, the column may have an optional IDResolve element to indicate how to resolve the ID. If the IDResolve element is not defined for this column, the value must be resolved before and will be assigned here.


      The IDResolve element has the following attributes:
    • tableName --  the table name. It is mandatory.
    • primaryKeyColumnName – the primary key column name to be resolved. It is optional if the primary key for this table has only one column. Otherwise it is mandatory.
    • generateNewKey – a Boolean value to indicate if a new key will be generated if the ID cannot be resolved in the database. It is optional. The default is false.
    The IDResolve element contains optional UniqueIndexColumn elements:
    • If the tableName in the IDResolve element is the same as the name in the Table, the UniqueIndexColumn element can be optional to use the column element defined in the Table element.
    • In the data load insert mode, if the generateNewKey is true, you don’t need to specify the UniqueIndexColumn. The ID resolver will always get a new generated key.


     <xsd:complexType name="IDResolve"> 
                  <xsd:element name="UniqueIndexColumn" type="_config:UniqueIndexColumn" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
             <xsd:attribute name="tableName" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="primaryKeyColumnName" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="generateNewKey" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>         

Complex Type Mapping
Diagram Mapping
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        Mapping {}

Content Details


    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    xpath String Yes N/A

    The path pointing to a property in the logical data object.

    value String Yes N/A

    The value is the value to set for the data object property.

    it can contain two possible entries:

    • A fixed value
    • A key from the data source data

    valueFrom String No N/A

    This attribute describes where the value for the logical data object property is coming from.

    It can have the following possible entries:

    • Fixed – The value specified is fixed value and should be set for the property.
    • InputData – The value is from the input data.
    The default valueFrom setting is InputData. If using InputData, do not specify.

    empty String No N/A

    it specifies that if the value read from the CSV is empty, what it should be saved in the database.

    It can have the following possible entries:

    • null, set to null in the database. This is the default behavior
    • empty, save as an empty string in the database
    deleteValue String No N/A

    This attribute is used when the data source data contains a flag indicating that data should be deleted. If in the CSV file, this column contains a value equals the deleteValue, this row is deleted.


     <xsd:complexType name="Mapping">      
             <xsd:attribute name="xpath" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="valueFrom" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>  
             <xsd:attribute name="empty" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="deleteValue" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/> 

Complex Type Table
Diagram Table Column Column
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        Table {}

Content Details


This node defines a table column and the data mapping to it. The data for each table column can come from:

  • The data read by the data reader. (Default)
  • A fixed value.
  • The business context.
  • An ID resolution.



    This node defines a list of physical tables and columns and the data mapping to them. The data for each table column can come from:

    • The data read by the data reader. (Default)
    • A fixed value.
    • The business context.
    • An ID resolution.
    Attribute Type Required Default Setting Description
    name String Yes N/A

    The name of the table.

    deleteKey String No N/A

    The optional delete key.

    The optional deleteKey and deleteValue are for inline deletion support, where the flag for deletion is contained in the data being read by the data reader.

    For example, if in the configuration:

    • deleteKey=”Delete”
    • deleteValue=”1”
    When the input data contains Delete=1, this row in the table will be deleted.

    deleteValue String No N/A

    The optional delete value.

    The optional deleteKey and deleteValue are for inline deletion support, where the flag for deletion is contained in the data being read by the data reader.

    For example, if in the configuration:

    • deleteKey=”Delete”
    • deleteValue=”1”
    When the input data contains Delete=1, this row in the table will be deleted.


     <xsd:complexType name="Table">      
                  <xsd:element name="Column" type="_config:Column" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">   
             <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="deleteKey" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="deleteValue" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>         

Complex Type UniqueIndexColumn
Diagram UniqueIndexColumn
Inheritance Hierarchy

    anyType {}
        UniqueIndexColumn {}

Content Details


      The UniqueIndexColumn element contains the following attributes:
    • name – the column name. It is mandatory.
    • value – the column value. It is mandatory. It is usually a value key and the real column value will be determined by the valueFrom attribute and also the input data.
    • valueFrom – It is used to indicate how the column value in the value attribute is determined. It is optional. 
    The possible values for the valueFrom are:
    • InputData – It is the default. That is, if the valueFrom is not specified, the default is this value.
    • Fixed – It mens that the column value is fixed with the value defined in the value attribute.
    • BusinessContext – It means that the column value is from the business context.
    • IDResolve – It means that the column value will be resolved by the ID resolver. In this case, the column may have an optional IDResolve element to indicate how to resolve the ID. If the IDResolve element is not defined for this column, the value must be resolved before and will be assigned here.


     <xsd:complexType name="UniqueIndexColumn">      
             <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:string" use="required" form="unqualified"/>         
             <xsd:attribute name="valueFrom" type="xsd:string" use="optional" form="unqualified"/>  


Element DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration
Diagram DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration DataLoader DataLoader DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration
Type DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration {}


    The data load configuration consists of the following customizable files:

    1. The load configuration. (wc-dataload.xsd)
    2. The environment configuration. (wc-dataload-env.xsd)
    3. The business object configuration. (wc-dataload-businessobject.xsd)

    The data load configuration also consists of the following non-customizable files:

    1. The default set of common definitions. (wc-dataload-common.xsd)
    2. The default data readers types. (wc-dataload-datasource-data.xsd)

    This configuration file defines: how data maps to WebSphere Commerce business objects, how the data is mediated into physical objects, and how the data is persisted.


     <xsd:element name="DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration" type="_config:DataloadBusinessObjectConfiguration"> 



Attribute Groups