Registration and approval email notifications (B2B)

The Aurora starter store automatically sends email notifications at certain points in the organization and buyer registration workflow, and the order approval workflow.

1. Organization registration approval request email

When a new organization self-registers with the store, the following automated email is sent to people who are assigned the Seller Administrator role:

2. Organization approval or rejection notification email

When the Seller Administrator approves or rejects an organization, one of the following automated email messages is sent to the email address specified for the Buyer Administrator in the organization registration form:

3. Buyer registration approval request email

When a buyer self-registers with the store, the following automated email message is sent to people who are assigned the Buyer Administrator and Seller Administrator roles.

Note: Buyer (user registration) approvals are optional and must be enabled in or inherited by the organization.

4. Order approval request email

The following automated email is sent to people with the Buyer Approver or Buyer Administrator roles when a buyer submits an order that requires approval.

Note: Order approvals are optional and must be enabled in or inherited by the organization, and enabled in the terms of the contract under which the order was placed.

JSP files

For email messages 1, 3, and 4, the following JSP file is used:

For email message 2, the following JSP files are used:

The images in the email messages are specified directly in the JSP files. The images are not managed in an e-Marketing Spot.

Related reference
Sample workflow for new organization registration and setup
Sample workflow for buyer self-registration and approval
Sample workflow for order submission and approval Organization and buyer administration flows (B2B)