Enable the collection of marketing statistics in Management Center
Statistics for campaigns and marketing activities in Management Center are gathered automatically, so no enablement is required. For marketing experiments, however, we must enable the ExperimentEvaluationEventListener to gather revenue statistics for marketing experiments.
- Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
- Select and enable the components for the type of statistics to capture during site usage:
Type of statistics Component to enable Campaigns and marketing activities You do not need to enable any components to gather campaign and marketing activity statistics for Management Center; statistics are gathered automatically. Experiments
- ExperimentEvaluationEventListener
- Captures revenue statistics for test elements in marketing experiments by correlating the order to the test element in the experiment.
Also captures revenue statistics for test elements in search rule experiments by correlating the order to the test element in the experiment.
- OrderSubmissionEvent
- The event that the ExperimentEvaluationEventListener uses. This component is enabled by default.
The server gathers revenue statistics using the RaiseECEvent scheduled job. By default, this job runs every 5 minutes. We can change the frequency of this job; see Statistics considerations.
Related concepts
Marketing statistics: storage and update frequency
Related tasks
Enable the collection of statistics for search rule experiments
Scheduling the DownloadStatistics job to copy marketing and search statistics
Copying marketing statistics from the production environment
Disable marketing statistics
Manage activity statistics