updatedb utility

The updatedb utility updates the WebSphere Commerce database to the latest release level that is installed on your system. Ensure that you have backed up the WebSphere Commerce database before running the updatedb utility.

Running the utility can affect database performance. Before running the updatedb utility, ensure that the database is tuned. If the database is not tuned, the utility can take longer to complete.

Important: IBM is aware of an issue with an XML file in the Version Update Package that causes the updatedb utility to fail. The fix will be resolved in the next update. Complete the following steps to immediately fix the issue before you run the updatedb utility.

  1. Open the wcs. file for editing.

    • (Developer) WCDE_installdir/schema/data/xml/9.0.0/wcs.

    • Enter the Utility server Docker container and open the /opt/WebSphereCommerceServer90/schema/data/xml/9.0.0/wcs. file for editing.

  2. Wrap the contents of the file with <import> </import>.

  3. Save the file.

Runtime environment

  1. Open the Utility server Docker container.

  2. Update the /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/instances/demo/xml/demo.xml file to explicitly tell the utility whether the target is the staging database or the production database. If the target is the staging database, set the StagingEnable attribute to true and the EnvironmentEnable parameter to false. Otherwise, set the StagingEnable attribute to false and the EnvironmentEnable attribute to true.

  3. Run the command:

      ./updatedb.sh -instanceName demo [currentPropFile -DdbUserPassword dbUserPassword -DdbaPassword dbaPassword]



Development environment

  1. Open a command-line utility in WCDE_installdir/bin/ directory.

  2. Run the command:

      WCDE_installdir/bin/updatedb.bat dbtype db_name db_user_name dbUserPassword db_host server_port


updatedb utility log file

After running the updatedb utility, we can view the updatedb.log log file for information about the update process. The log level is set to info. The log file generates in the following directory:

Related tasks
Running utilities from the Utility server Docker container
Collecting MustGather data for runtime update issues