Define image map HTML

When we are creating or changing marketing content that is an image, we can create the image as an image map. An image map provides Marketing Managers with the capability of specifying multiple click actions areas within a single image.

For example, if the store displays images that contain multiple distinct products we can specify a single image map to include click actions for each distinct product. We can set a click action area for each distinct product or promotion so that a customer can click each section of the image to open a different product or store page. There are also more predefined click actions available, such as adding the item to a shopping cart or adding a coupon to the customers coupon wallet.

To create an image map in Management Center a Marketing Manager can specify individual click action areas within the Areas table or specify HTML source code in the marketing content properties view. If we are a business user that is familiar with HTML, or are helping a business user with creating an image map, we can define the entire image map with HTML. To specify the HTML source code for an image map, use the following example to help define your HTML code.

The following screen capture provides an example of an image map:

The following HTML source code defines the preceding image map when it is included into the HTML field when creating or change marketing content:

1 - The map name for our image map must follow the format <map name="[contentId]">. This code is used to associate the specified HTML that defines the image map with the image specified in the marketing content. The map name must be set as a substitution variable: [contentId]. 2 - 4 - These lines of code define the individual click action areas within the image map. When we are defining the click action areas, we must specify the following properties:

We can also specify the following optional properties within your HTML code:

Note: In your HTML, we can include replaceable parameters to include more images and links. By using these parameters in the file paths for our images and links, these file paths can work in both the storefront and in store preview without requiring changes. Previously, the file path to an image or link had to be changed depending on whether we wanted the image or link to display in the storefront or in store preview. See Substitution variables for entering HTML in Management Center

Related tasks
Creating marketing content to display on store pages

Related reference
Substitution variables for entering HTML in Management Center