Product overview > Tutorials, examples, and samples > REST data services sample and tutorial > Configure application servers for the REST data service
Start REST data services in Apache Tomcat
This topic describes how to configure and start the eXtreme Scale REST data service using Apache Tomcat, version 5.5 or later.
Before you begin
Verify that the sample eXtreme Scale data grid is started. See Enable the REST data service for details on how to start the data grid.
- Download and install Apache Tomcat Version 5.5 or later to tomcat_root. For example: /opt/tomcat
- Install the eXtreme Scale REST data service and the provided sample into the Tomcat server as follows:
- If you are using a Sun JRE or JDK, install the IBM ORB into Tomcat:
- For Tomcat version 5.5
Copy all of the JAR files from:
- For Tomcat version 6.0
- Create an "endorsed" directory
mkdir tomcat_root/endorsed
md tomcat_root/endorsed
- Copy all of the JAR files from:
- Deploy the REST data service module: wxsrestservice.war to the Tomcat server.
Copy the wxsrestservice.war file from:
- Add the ObjectGrid client runtime JAR and the application JAR to the shared classpath in Tomcat:
- Edit the tomcat_root/conf/ file
- Append the following path names to the end of the shared.loader property in the form of a comma-delimited list:
- wxs_home/lib/ogclient.jar
- restservice_home/gettingstarted/restclient/bin
- restservice_home/gettingstarted/common/bin
The path separator must be a forward slash.
If the eXtreme Scale data grid was started with eXtreme Scale security enabled, set the following properties in the restservice_home/gettingstarted/restclient/bin/ file.
ogClientPropertyFile=restservice_home/gettingstarted/security/ loginType=none
- Start the Tomcat server with the REST data service:
- If using Tomcat 5.5 on UNIX or Windows, or Tomcat 6.0 on UNIX:
- cd tomcat_root/bin
- Start the server:
./ run
catalina.bat run
- The console then displays the Apache Tomcat logs. When the REST data service has started successfully, the following message is displayed in the administration console:
CWOBJ4000I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service has been started.
- If using Tomcat 6.0 on Windows:
- cd tomcat_root/bin
- Start the Apache Tomcat 6 configuration tool with the following command: tomcat6w.exe
- Click on the Start button on the Apache Tomcat 6 properties window to start the Tomcat server.
- Review the following logs to verify that the Tomcat server has started successfully:
- tomcat_root/bin/catalina.log
Displays the status of the Tomcat server engine
- tomcat_root/bin/stdout.log
Displays the system output log.
- When the REST data service has started successfully, the following message is displayed in the system output log: CWOBJ4000I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service has been started.
- Verify that the REST data service is working:
- Open a browser and navigate to:
The service document for the NorthwindGrid is displayed.
- Navigate to:
The Entity Model Data Extensions (EDMX) document is displayed.
- To stop the data grid processes, use CTRL+C in the respective command window.
- To stop Tomcat, use CTRL +C in the window in which you started it.
Parent topic:
Configure application servers for the REST data service
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