Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages
CWXQY: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the query engine component
When you encounter a message in a log or other parts of the product interface, look up the message by its message ID to find out more information.
- CWXQY1200E
FAILTOPARSE=CWXQY1200E: Syntax error. Encountered {0} at line {1}, column {2}.
- CWXQY1201E
INVAGGINWHERE=CWXQY1201E: Aggregate functions are not allowed in where clause.
- CWXQY1202E
FAILINITCONFIG=CWXQY1202E: Failed to initialize ObjectMap configuration {0}.
- CWXQY1203E
UNDEFINEDALIAS=CWXQY1203E: {0} can not be resolved.
- CWXQY1204E
UNDEFINEDNAME=CWXQY1204E: {0} can not be resolved.
- CWXQY1205E
UNDEFINEDCONSTR=CWXQY1205E: The constructor {0} is not defined.
- CWXQY1206E
AMBIGUOUSCONSTR=CWXQY1206E: Ambiguous constructors.
- CWXQY1207E
BADNAVIGATIONCMP=CWXQY1207E: Can not apply navigation operation operator to {0}
- CWXQY1208E
BADNAVIGATION=CWXQY1208E: Can not apply navigation operation to {0}
- CWXQY1209E
BADRETURN=CWXQY1209E: Invalid select clause {0}
- CWXQY1210E
INTERNAL=CWXQY1210E: Internal Error. {0}
- CWXQY1211E
RESOLVEERRORS=CWXQY1211E: One or more resolution errors. {0}
- CWXQY1212E
SUBQRYNUMPROP=CWXQY1212E: Subquery can only return a single property.
- CWXQY1213E
INVALIDGRPBY=CWXQY1213E: The property type {0} used in the group by clause does not support grouping.
- CWXQY1214E
INVALIDORDBY=CWXQY1214E: The property type {0} used in order by clause does not support ordering.
- CWXQY1215E
ARGMUSTBASIC=CWXQY1215E: Operator is not supported on given property type.
- CWXQY1217E
CANTCOMPARI=CWXQY1217E: Comparison operator not supported on given types.
- CWXQY1220E
EQNOTSUPPORTED=CWXQY1220E: Equal operator is not supported on given property types.
- CWXQY1221E
EQONLONG=CWXQY1221E: Equal operator is not supported on long types.
- CWXQY1222E
CMPENTITYCOLL=CWXQY1222E: Comparison not supported on entity collections.
- CWXQY1223E
INVALIDCMP=CWXQY1223E: Comparison operator used incorrectly.
- CWXQY1225E
LIKENONCHAR=CWXQY1225E: Operator LIKE is not supported on given property types.
- CWXQY1227E
MAXMINBADARG=CWXQY1227E: Function min or max has invalid argument.
- CWXQY1229E
ARGMUSTBOOLEA=CWXQY1229E: The operand has to be of boolean type.
- CWXQY1230E
ALLOWONLYONEO=CWXQY1230E: Only one operand is allowed.
- CWXQY1231E
INVALIDARGTYP=CWXQY1231E: Invalid argument type.
- CWXQY1232E
ONETOTHREEARG=CWXQY1232E: Function requires at least one argument and no more than three arguments.
- CWXQY1233E
TWOTOTHREEARG=CWXQY1233E: Function requires at least two arguments and no more than three arguments.
- CWXQY1234E
TWOARG=CWXQY1234E: Function requires two arguments.
- CWXQY1235E
ONEARG=CWXQY1235E: Function requires one argument.
- CWXQY1236E
SUMARGNUMERIC=CWXQY1236E: Function sum argument must be a type of numeric.
- CWXQY1238E
AVGARGNUMERIC=CWXQY1238E: Function avg argument must be numeric.
- CWXQY1240E
ASSINGDIFFTYP=CWXQY1240E: Assignment on different types not supported.
- CWXQY1241E
ASSIGNCONVFAI=CWXQY1241E: Conversion of a numeric type failed on assignment.
- CWXQY1242E
ARITHNONNUMER=CWXQY1242E: Arithmetic operation not supported on nonnumeric types.
- CWXQY1243E
UNKNOWNSCALAR=CWXQY1243E: Function {0} is not a supported function.
- CWXQY1244E
TYPECHECKERRORS=CWXQY1244E: One or more properties used incorrectly. {0}
- CWXQY1246E
ALIASDUP=CWXQY1246E: Identifier {0} is already defined.
- CWXQY1247E
OPERATORNOTSUPPORTED=CWXQY1247E: {0} operation is not supported.
- CWXQY1248E
INVALIDENTITYCOMP=CWXQY1248E: Comparison between entity beans of different types not allowed.
- CWXQY1249E
REQUIRECOLLECTION=CWXQY1249E: Empty predicate can only be applied to a valued relationship.
- CWXQY1250E
INVALIDMEMBEROF=CWXQY1250E: Member predicate can not be applied to given property types.
- CWXQY1251E
UNDEFINEDCONSTT=CWXQY1251E: Internal error. Invalid constant {0}.
- CWXQY1252E
- CWXQY1253E
MISSINGIDEXOBJ=CWXQY1253E: No index available for ObjectMap {0}.
- CWXQY1254E
- CWXQY1255E
WRONGTERMFORGP=CWXQY1255E: The field {0} appears in a SELECT or HAVING clause without an aggregate function but is not specified in the GROUP BY clause.
- CWXQY1256E
NONESTEDAGGFUNC=CWXQY1256E: Nested aggregate functions are not allowed.
- CWXQY1257E
AGGHASMOREDISTIN=CWXQY1257E: DISTINCT is specified more than once in aggregate functions.
- CWXQY1258E
INVALIDNEXTSTATE=CWXQY1258E: Internal error. Invalid state on call to next.
- CWXQY1259E
ARITHMETICOPFAIL=CWXQY1259E: An exception occurred while evaluating the arithmetic expression {0}.
- CWXQY1260E
ARITHMETICOVERFLOW=CWXQY1260E: Underflow or overflow occurred while evaluating the arithmetic expression {0}.
- CWXQY1261E
ARITYMETICDIVBYZERO=CWXQY1261E: An Arithmetic exception occurred due to division by zero.
- CWXQY1262E
NOTFOUNDINMAP=CWXQY1262E: ObjectMap {0} not found.
- CWXQY1263E
NOTFOUNDINDEX=CWXQY1263E: An [{0}] occurred because the ObjectMap [{1}] does not have index [{2}].
- CWXQY1264E
NOOBJECTININDEX=CWXQY1264E: An [{0}] occurred because the index [{1}] does not contain the object [{2}].
- CWXQY1265E
EVALINTERNALERROR=CWXQY1265E: An internal error found in [{0}].
- CWXQY1266E
INTROSPMETHOD=CWXQY1266E: [{0}] occurred while introspecting method [{1}] of class [{2}].
- CWXQY1267E
FIELDGETOBJECTFAILED=CWXQY1267E: [{0}] occurred because the specified object [{1}] is not an instance of the class or interface declaring the underlying field [{2}]
- CWXQY1268E
INVOKMETHODFAIL=CWXQY1268E: [{0}] occurred while invoking method [{1}] on object [{2}].
- CWXQY1269E
FIELDACCESSFAILED=CWXQY1269E: [{0}] occurred because the field [{1}] is inaccessible.
- CWXQY1270E
DATEWRONGJDBCESCAPE=CWXQY1270E: Date given [{0}] is not in the JDBC date escape format[yyyy-mm-dd].
- CWXQY1271E
TIMEWRONGJDBCESCAPE=CWXQY1271E: Time given [{0}] is not in the JDBC time escape format[hh:mm:ss].
- CWXQY1272E
TIMESTAMPWRONGJDBCESCAPE=CWXQY1272E: Timestamp given [{0}] is not in the JDBC timestamp escape format[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fffffffff].
- CWXQY1282E
SUBSTRWRONGRANGE=CWXQY1282E: The second or third argument of the SUBSTR function is out of range.
- CWXQY1283E
NOTNEEDEDPARAMETER=CWXQY1283E: Parameter {0} is not used in the query.
- CWXQY1285E
OVERFLOWAVG=CWXQY1285E: Counter overflow occurred computing AVG.
- CWXQY1286E
OVERFLOWCOUNT=CWXQY1286E: Counter overflow occurred computing COUNT.
- CWXQY1287E
TOOMANYPROJTIONITEMS=CWXQY1287E: Exceeds the maximum number of elements [{0}] allowed in Tuple object fail to add the element [{1}].
- CWXQY1288E
FEWPARAMETER=CWXQY1288E: The query uses {1} parameters but only {0} were passed.
- CWXQY1289E
NOPARAMETER=CWXQY1289E: No parameters were passed to a query that required parameters.
- CWXQY1290E
NOTDEFINEDPARAMETER=CWXQY1290E: Parameter {0} is not defined.
- CWXQY1291E
INVALIDPARAMETERTYPE=CWXQY1291E: Parameter {0} passed in is a type of {1} which is not the expected type {2}.
- CWXQY1292E
SCALARSUBQNODATE=CWXQY1292E: Scalar subquery returned no data.
- CWXQY1293E
SCALARSUBQMORECOL=CWXQY1293E: Scalar subquery returns more than one column.
- CWXQY1294E
SCALARSUBQMOREROW=CWXQY1294E: Scalar subquery returned more than one row.
- CWXQY1296E
INVALIDINDEXTYPE=CWXQY1296E: Internal Error. Undefined type [{0}] for index field.
- CWXQY1297E
ONECHARACTERONLY=CWXQY1297E: Character can only be compared to Character or String of length 1. {0} has more than one character.
- CWXQY1298E
CONFLICTNAME=CWXQY1298E: Duplicate name {0} in select expressions.
- CWXQY1299E
INVALIDTOKEN=CWXQY1299E: Invalid token is found in query. {0} in {1}.
- CWXQY1300E
PARSEERROR=CWXQY1300E: Query parser encountered an error. {0}.
- CWXQY1301E
INVALIDAS=CWXQY1301E: {0} of an aggregate function is not valid in the context where it it used.
- CWXQY1302E
INVALIDMEMBEROFMISPK=CWXQY1302E: Member operation failed either because a primary key is not contained in the object or the primary key is not identified in the object's metadata.
- CWXQY1304E
INVALIDEQMISPK=CWXQY1304E: Equal operation failed either because a primary key is not contained in the object or the primary key is not identified in the object's metadata.
- CWXQY1305E
INDEXRETRYLIMITEXCEEDED=CWXQY1305E: A [{0}] exception occurred because the index [{1}] exceeded the retry limit for finding the object [{2}].
- CWXQY1306E
RANGEINDEXRETRYLIMITEXCEEDED=CWXQY1306E: A [{0}] exception occurred because the index [{1}] exceeded the retry limit for running the range query [{2}].
- CWXQY1307E
NOACTIVETRAN=CWXQY1307E: A [{0}] occurred because there is no active transaction.