Administer > Manage WebSphere Commerce features > Workspace Administration Tool > Workspaces, task groups, and tasks
Work with tasks
- Create tasks
Before creating a task, have a task group created. Tasks are created in task groups.
- Create tasks from a template
Create a task from a template if the task to create is similar to one of the saved task templates.
- Changing tasks
- Mark tasks as complete (Workspace Manager)
Workspace tasks should normally be marked as complete by Workspace Content Contributors using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. The Workspace Manager should only mark a task as complete in the Workspace Administration Tool if no one is working on the task in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
- Reactivate tasks
- Reject tasks (Workspace Manager)
Before a task group can be approved or rejected, all of the tasks in the task group must be completed. The Workspace Manager can reject individual tasks in a task group.
- Delete tasks
- Create a task template
Create a task template from an existing task to reuse a task in any workspace or task group.