Samples > WebSphere Commerce portlet samples

My Account portlet JSP sample

The My Account portlet provides customers with the ability to create, change, remove.

When this portlet appears the first time, MVCPortlet_installdir/jsp/html/default/AccountDisplay.jsp is used.


Customer action Portlet response Called WebSphere Commerce Services
Customer clicks Personal Information. UserRegistrationForm is called and the Update Registration page, MVCPortlet_installdir/jsp/html/member/ChangePersonalInformationDisplay.jsp, appears.

  • findCurrentPerson - Obtains customer information, such as first name, last name, e-mail and addresses.

  • updatePerson (ChangePersonalInformation) - Updates the personal information of a customer such as name and e-mail address.

Customer clicks Address Book. AddressBookForm is called and the Address Book page, MVCPortlet_installdir/jsp/html/member/AddressBookDisplay.jsp, appears.

  • findCurrentPerson - Obtains entries in the current customer's address book.

Customer clicks the remove icon in an address entry. Removes the selected address entry from the address book.

  • deleteAddressForPerson (DeleteAddress) - Removes an address for a customer.

Customer clicks New Address. The Add Address, MVCPortlet_installdir/jsp/html/member/AddressDisplay.jsp, page appears where customers can add a new address to the address book.

  • findCurrentPerson - Obtains information about the current address entry.

  • addAddressForPerson (AddAddress) - Creates a new address for the customer.

Customer clicks an existing address entry. The ChangeAddress page, MVCPortlet_installdir/jsp/html/member/AddressDisplay.jsp, appears where customers can modify an existing address entry.

  • findCurrentPerson - Obtains information about the current address entry.

  • updateAddressForPerson (UpdateAddress) - Updates a particular address for the customer.

Related concepts

WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal

Portlet packaging structure

Related tasks

Configure WebSphere Portal with WebSphere Commerce

Configure the sample portlets in the development environment

Related reference

WebSphere Commerce portlet samples


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