Develop > Presentation layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal > Customize WebSphere Commerce Portal integration > Use the provided WebSphere Commerce MVCPortlet class (MVC style) > WebSphere Commerce Portal integration event handlers
WebSphere Commerce portlet render handler
The WebSphere Commerce Portlet render handler has only one task. It simply checks for the current state and mode of the portlet to determine the appropriate JSP path to be used when calling the request dispatcher.
It is not recommended to make any WebSphere Commerce service call directly from this render handler, especially service calls that involve update operations. This handler is called upon every render request, even upon refreshing the portlet content.
To optimize the response time, it is better to delegate all the read-only type service requests to be issued by the JSP instead by the controller. This is to allow the caching service to intercept any cachable request upon a cache hit and avoid unnecessary service calls to the WebSphere Commerce server.
A generic render handler,, has been provided with the MVCPortlet. See the JavaDoc for MVCPortletRenderHandler for more information.
To create a new customized version of the WebSphere Commerce Portlet render handler, the new code must implement the interface.
- Populate data on a portlet JSP file using the WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library
The WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library provides a JSP tag, <wcf:getData>, which allows you to retrieve service data objects from any SOA or SOI WebSphere Commerce service. It associates the service data objects with a newly declared scripting variable with a given id. The specified id associates the SDO objects with a specified scope. Unless otherwise specified, the Java object created is an instance of java.util.List that contains the list of service data objects.
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce Portal integration event handlers
WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal
Use WebSphere Commerce services in portlets
Related tasks
Call a WebSphere Commerce service using the MVC portlet configuration file