Develop > Presentation layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal > Customize WebSphere Commerce Portal integration > Use the provided WebSphere Commerce MVCPortlet class (MVC style)

WebSphere Commerce Portal integration event handlers

The MVCPortlet framework is designed in a flexible way so that each portlet request can be handled differently using an event handler. For each action event and render event, it is possible to define a corresponding event handler in the portlet MVC configuration file.

Although the MVC configuration allows you to define any customized event handler, the use of two generic event handlers is recommended:

This programming pattern greatly reduces code redundancy, and maintains a consistent behavior across all WebSphere Commerce portlet events.

Related concepts

WebSphere Commerce portlet action handler

WebSphere Commerce Portal integration architecture

Business context plug-in

Best practices for designing store pages that contain MVC Portlets

WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal

Use WebSphere Commerce services in portlets

Populate data on a portlet JSP file using the WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library

WebSphere Commerce portlet render handler

WebSphere Commerce Portal integration tracing and logging

Related tasks

Create cooperative portlets

Add or customizing a portlet using the MVCPortlet class

Call a WebSphere Commerce service using the MVC portlet configuration file

Define a source portlet

Define a target portlet

Wiring the source and target portlets

Related reference

MVC portlet configuration file syntax


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