Operate > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator > Business relationship management > Create distributor relationships: an overview > Distributors
Create distributor service agreements
Before you create a distributor service agreement, ensure that the following steps are complete.
Before you begin
Note that if you import a contract by using XML, and want to have that contract appear in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, then have a contract description.
- Obtain a copy of the template distributor service agreement XML file to use on the local client. The service agreement XML template is...
- workspace_dir\wc\xml\trading\xml\TemplateReferralContract.xml
- WC_EAR/xml/trading/xml/TemplateReferralContract.xml
- Ensure you have the following information:
- Full DN of the distributor organization.
- Full DN of the service provider organization.
- Full DN of the profile store organization.
- Unique name of the catalog profile store you want the distributor to use.
- Unique name of the distributor profile store you want the distributor to use.
- Copy the template distributor service agreement XML file to a new file name.
- Open the copy of the template distributor service agreement XML file in either a text editor or an XML editor.
- Replace all the instances of the following strings with values appropriate for the distributor:
Value Replacement Example DISTRIBUTOR_ORG_DISTINGUISHED_NAME Full DN of the distributor organization. This can be found in the DN column of the ORGENTITY table. ou=Distributor ABC Organization,
ou=Distributor Proxy Organization,
o=Manufacturer Organization,
o=Root OrganizationDISTRIBUTOR_DISPLAY_NAME Name of the distributor. Distributor ABC DISTRIBUTOR_DIRECTORY_NAME Name of folder to keep distributor file assets. Distributor ABC DISTRIBUTOR_STORE_DEFAULT_LOCALE Store's default locale. en_US DISTRIBUTOR_STORE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY Store's default currency. USD SERVICE_PROVIDER_LOCALE Locale of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator in which you are loading the contract. en_US SERVICE_PROVIDER_ORG_DISTINGUISHED_NAME Full DN of the service provider organization. This can be found in the DN column of the ORGENTITY table. ou=Service Provider Organization,
o=Manufacturer Organization,
o=Root OrganizationPROFILE_ORG_DISTINGUISHED_NAME Replace with the full DN of the profile stores organization. This can be found in the DN column of the ORGENTITY table. ou=Profile Organization,
o=Manufacturer Organization,
o=Root OrganizationCATALOG_PROFILE_STORE The unique name of the catalog profile store This can be found in the IDENTIFIER column of the STOREENT table.
Catalog Profile Store DISTRIBUTOR_PROFILE_STORE The unique name of the distributor profile store This can be found in the IDENTIFIER column of the STOREENT table.
Distributor Profile Store DISTRIBUTOR_REMOTE_URL Remote URL of the distributor. SERVICE_PROVIDER_SHARED_FULFILLMENT_CENTER_NAME Shared fulfillment center of service provider. This can be found in the NAME column of the FFMCENTER table.
Shared Fulfillment Center
- Update the BusinessPolicy element with the appropriate information for the distributor.
<BusinessPolicy name="DISTRIBUTOR_DISPLAY_NAME DistributorConnector" type="ReferralInterface" properties="name=DistributorABC&backOrders=true&timeout=60&uomStandard=each"> <Command class="com.ibm.commerce.messaging.commands.GetPriceAndAvailabilityCmdImpl" properties="enabled=true&authenticationRequired=true&timeout=30"/> <Command class="com.ibm.commerce.messaging.commands.TransferShopcartCmdImpl" properties="enabled=true&authenticationRequired=true&timeout=20"/> <Command class="com.ibm.commerce.messaging.commands.GetBatchAvailabilityCmdImpl" properties="enabled=true&authenticationRequired=true&timeout=3600"/> <Command class="com.ibm.commerce.orderquotation.commands.GetUOMCodePolicyCmdImpl" properties="enabled=true"/> </BusinessPolicy>
- Save the file.
- Import the distributor service agreement XML file into WebSphere Commerce.