Operate > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator > Request for Quote (RFQ) > RFQ response

RFQ response flow

In the RFQ response flow, several stages have "states" associated with them. States represent the status of the response process at a certain time in its life cycle. States help the user keep track of a particular business process and provides WebSphere Commerce with benchmarks it can use to manage all business processes within the system.

The approver plays a role in this process only if approvals have been enabled for the selling organization. If the organization administrator has enabled approvals during the membership registration process, the submitted response is first reviewed by an approver. It is transmitted to the buyer if approved.

Sellers can view the state of an RFQ response in the Status column of the RFQ Response page. The statuses that can display, a brief explanation of what they mean and their associated actions from the diagram above include:

Status Explanation Associated actions
Draft The response is still being composed. Create Response and View Draft Response.
Pending approval Approvals has been enabled and an approver is reviewing the response. All the actions included in the approval chain are represented by this state.
Accepted The approver has approved the response and allowed its transmittal to the buyer. Part of the approval chain.
Rejected The approver has rejected the response. Part of the approval chain.
Active The response has been submitted, and approved if appropriate, and is available for evaluation by the buyer. If approvals has been enabled, the response goes to the approver rather than directly to the buyer. If the approver approves the response, it is passed on to the buying organization. Submit Response
Canceled The seller has decided not to send this response to the buyer. Cancel Response
Retracted A review of the draft within the seller organization has generated some concerns. The response cannot be transmitted to the buyer from this state. It can only move to a canceled or draft state. This state provides the user with some time to reconsider the response before committing to canceling or modifying the response. The decision point "Is Response OK" is represented by this state.
In-evaluation The buyer is in the process of evaluating the responses received. Wait for Buyer Action
Won Your response is a winning response. Receive Buyer Action
Lost Your response is a losing response. Receive Buyer Action
Won completed The RFQ has entered the order or contract process. Receive Buyer Action
Lost completed The RFQ has entered the order or contract process. Receive Buyer Action
Won next round The buyer accepts the response but creates a next round RFQ for continued negotiation. Receive Buyer Action
Lost next round The buyer rejects the response but creates a next round RFQ for continued negotiation. Receive Buyer Action


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