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Keyboard navigation

The IBM Sales Center is completely navigable using the keyboard. The Tab key is used to iterate through a particular scope, for example, an editor or a view and its related icons.

To navigate to the main controls or to tab out of views that use the Tab key (such as editors) use Ctrl + Tab.

Shortcut keys

All main menu actions are assigned mnemonics. This allows you to select the menu item by typing the underlined letters instead of using the mouse. You can also select an item by moving through the menus and sub-menus with the arrow keys.

The various menus available can be accessed using the keyboard in the following ways:


Accesses the menus on the main menu bar.

Shift + F10

Opens the context menu for the current view. This shortcut is actually dependent on the window manager, but for most people it should be Shift + F10.

Ctrl + F10

Opens the pull-down menu for the current view if there is one.

Alt + mnemonic

Activates the menu for a particular entity; for example, Alt + F opens the File menu.

Many of the main menu actions in the IBM Sales Center also have an accelerator assigned to them.

For additional information about mnemonics and accelerators, see Shortcut keys.

Cycling editors, views, and perspectives

To switch between editors, views and perspectives, use the cycling function that is invoked by the Ctrl key and a function key. All of these cycling functions recall the last item selected to allow for rapid cycling back and forth between two items. The following are the cycling functions:

Ctrl + F6

Cycle to editor

Ctrl + F7

Cycle to view

Ctrl + F8

Cycle to perspective

Use Ctrl + E can be used to activate an editor's drop-down menu, and Ctrl + PageUp and Ctrl + PageDown can be used for switching between pages in open editors.

Help system

You can navigate the help system by keyboard using the following key combinations:

Related tasks

Close a view

Log on and off the IBM Sales Center

Related reference



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