Tutorials > Sales Center > Extend a page in an editor

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Test the changes

You are now ready to test the updated user interface and determine if the database on the server side gets updated with the new gift card information.

To test this customization:


  1. Verify the test server in the server development environment is running.

  2. Start the IBM Sales Center client and log in.

  3. Select the store and create an order

  4. On the Payment page, specify the payment information...

    1. In the Payment section, click Add.

    2. From the Payment type drop-down list, select Visa.

    3. In the Card number field, enter 4111111111111111 (that is a 4 followed by 15 ones).

    4. Select an expiry month and year in the future.

    5. Click OK.

  5. Specify the gift card information,...

    1. In the Name of recipient field, enter Jane.

    2. In the Name of sender field, enter Bob.

    3. In the Message 1 field, enter Happy Birthday!

    4. In the Message 2 field, enter Have a wonderful day!

    5. Click Submit (scroll to the right to locate this button if you do not see it).

    6. You should receive a message indicating that the order was created successfully and make note of the order number.

  6. Now we will query the database to see if the GIFTORDER table got updated,...

    1. On the WebSphere Commerce Developer machine, open a Web browser.

    2. Enter the following URL: http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp

    3. In the statement box, enter select * from xordgift; and click Submit Query.

    4. The result table will show an updated row with the new gift card message information for the new order.

You have now integrated the customization on the server side, and tested the changes to ensure they are working properly. In the next step of the tutorial we will return the values from the database to the IBM Sales Center client.

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