Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center > Resources

Replace a resource string

All of the text strings in the IBM Sales Center user interface can be found in a resource bundle in the plug-in. The resource properties file can be found in the resources subdirectory under the name

To replace text in the IBM Sales Center client user interface:


  1. Create a new resource bundle in a customization plug-in and include the keys to be overridden. Do not modify the IBM Sales Center properties file directly. For example, if you wanted to change the label for "Telephone number 1" in the customer editor to "Day telephone", create a resource bundle (a text file) with the name "com.mycompany.resources", with this line:

    CustomerContactPage.customerTelephoneNumber1 = Day telephone

  2. Use the resource bundle extension point to register this extension resource bundle.


Note: There are certain text strings that cannot be replaced in this manner. Due to the nature of the Eclipse framework, the text on the top level menus cannot be replaced.

To replace that text, redefine the menus using the and org.eclipse.ui.actionSets extension-points and the system configurator.

Related concepts


Overview of customizing IBM Sales Center

Related tasks

Add a resource string


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