Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center
A common customization scenario involves replacing the terminology used by the application with terminology that is more appropriate to the organization where the application is deployed. You might also want to replace application images with the own images.
To ensure that this is possible, the IBM Sales Center application is designed to allow you to replace text and images that appear on the user interface.
By default, the English language IBM Sales Center resources are located in the plug-in in the resources directory in the file Alternative locale files are located in the plug-in, in the resources directory.
If you are creating a custom resource bundle, declare fully qualified in the plugin.xml. For example, for the following snippet, you should have an file in the MyNewExtensionsPlugin package. <extension point=""> <resourceBundle baseName="MyNewExtensionsPlugin.extendedTelesales"/> </extension>
Not all modifiable and translatable text and images are in the telesalesResources file:
- To change the client branding, (banner images, and so on) this involves creating a plug-in that defines a new extension to the org.eclipse.core.runtime.products extension point, and a plugin_customization.ini file, and an about.ini file. For more information, see the WebSphere Everyplace Deployment Developer Guide.
- To change system level text such as menu names and entries, view or application names, or preference page names (any text that appears in a plugin.xml or its companion re-create the extension declaration in the own plug-in and then supply the text.
- When adding a new translation, you can define a fragment that extends the plug-in containing the original properties file. The IBM Sales Center provides fragments with names containing nl1 that illustrate this. You can follow that pattern in these fragments to add fragments of the own, extending the same plug-ins.
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Globalization in the IBM Sales Center
Overview of customizing IBM Sales Center
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