Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center

Enable tracing and debugging in the IBM Sales Center client

When working within the IBM Sales Center development environment, you can enable tracing and debugging. However, there may be situations in which to enable tracing and debugging in the IBM Sales Center client that is not running in the development environment.


To enable tracing and debugging in the IBM Sales Center running outside of the development environment:

  1. Create an .options file.

  2. Place a copy of the .options file in SC_installdir.

  3. Open the SC_installdir/startup.bat file and add -debug to the end of the line. The resulting line should be similar to the following: .

    "%~dp0rcp\rcplauncher.exe" -product -debug

  4. Save the changes.

  5. Run the SC_installdir/startup.bat file to start the IBM Sales Center client.


The effect of step 3 and 4 is the same as the effect of selecting the Debug mode option from the preference page. See Set IBM Sales Centre preferences.

The tracing and debugging output will be in the file:

C:\Documents and Settings\ your_windows_logon_id\IBM\RCP\ randomnumbers\ your_windows_logon_id\.metadata\.log

If you have enabled BOD requests and response dumping, the BOD files will be in the directory you specified with the option. By default, this directory is:

Use this list of plug-ins and functions to determine the plug-ins we will trace and debug.

Plug-in Function
telesales.core.impl Contains implementations of core extension points.
telesales Contains product branding and the system configurator extension point. Contains WebSphere Commerce communication services.
telesales.ui.impl Contains implementations of user interface extension points. It contains all the UI related classes which are responsible for editors, actions, dialogs and so on.
telesales.ui Contains view management extension points.
telesales.tsr.doc Contains help for the Customer Service Representative (CSR).
telesales.g11n Contains globalization helper classes and the currency format extension point.
telesales.ui.infopop Contains F1 context help definitions.
telesales.ui.win32 Contains Win32 specific modules (OLE based parts).
telesales.widgets Contains custom widgets.
telesales.resources Contains displayable string and image resources.

Related concepts

Overview of customizing IBM Sales Center

IBM Sales Center development environment

Deploy customizations to the IBM Sales Center

Related tasks

Launch the IBM Sales Center development environment

Enable tracing in the IBM Sales Center development environment

Create the .option file to debug Sales Center client


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