Tutorials > Payments > Develop a payment plug-in > Payment Service Provider Simulator

Import the Payment Service Provider Simulator EAR file into the WebSphere Commerce Developer workspace


  1. Download the Payment Service Provider Simulator EAR file. The EAR file is contained in the zip file.

  2. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer.

  3. Open the Java EE perspective.

  4. Click File > Import.

  5. In the Select an import source list, select EAR file.

  6. Click Browse and select the Payment Service Provider Simulator EAR file.

  7. In the Target server field, select WebSphere Application Server 6.0:

  8. Click Finish.

  9. In the Enterprise Explorer view:

    1. Expand Enterprise Applications and confirm that a project named PSPSim has been created.

    2. Expand EJB Projects and confirm that a project named PSPSimEJB has been created. Confirm that a project named PSPSimRouter has been created.

Next topic:

Set up the Payment Service Provider Simulator database


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