Tutorials > Management Center > Track and displaying the most viewed recipes
Customize Management Center to support creating a new Web activity for most viewed recipes
In this lesson, you customize the Management Center Marketing tool to add the custom action. After you complete this lesson, you can create a Web activity with the customized action.
You must complete Tutorial: Adding a Recipes tool to the Management Center before you can begin this lesson.
- Extend the resource bundle and properties files.
In this step, we will extend the properties file that contains text for the customization. A properties file is a resource bundle that contains translatable text that displays in the user interface. Resource bundles contain locale-specific objects. By using resource bundle files, the text can be translated into different languages.
- Extend the Recipe properties file.
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > Java Resources:src > com.mycompany.recipe.client.lobtools.properties.
- Open RecipeLOB.properties.
- Add the following code to the file:
#recipe top viewed ranking mostBrowsedRecipeRankingName=Display Recipe Top Browsed rankingSize=Maximum number rankingIntervalNum=Time frame in days rankingLocation=Display rankingLocationSpecificRecipeCollection=Display a list for the specified recipe collection rankingLocationCurrentRecipeCollection=Display a list for the specified recipe collection only when the customer is browsing the recipe collection rankingLocationCurrentOrSubRecipeCollection=Display a list for the specified recipe collection only when the customer is browsing the recipe collection or its subcollections recipeRankingTopBrowsedSummary=List the top {0} browsed recipe in the last {2} days in the following recipe collection: {1} summaryRecipeRankingLocationSpecificRecipeCollection=Display a list for the specified recipe collection summaryRecipeRankingLocationCurrentRecipeCollection=Display a list for the specified recipe collection only when the customer is browsing the recipe collection summaryRecipeRankingLocationCurrentOrSubRecipeCollection=Display a list for the specified recipe collection only when the customer is browsing the recipe collection or its subcollections help_recipetopbrowsed_recipe_collection=Specify the recipe collection for which to display a list of recipe top browsed. You can specify more than one collection; however, this makes sense only if you choose one of the <b>Display</b> options that require the customer to be viewing the recipe collection or its subcollections. help_recipetopbrowsed_size=Specify how many recipe to display in the recipe top browsed list. help_recipetopbrowsed_interval_num=Specify how many days' worth of browsing activity to base the recipe top-browsed list on. For example, if you specify 3, then the recipe top-browsed list is based on browsing that occurred within the last three days. help_recipetopbrowsed_location=Specify whether the customer must be viewing the recipe collection to see the recipe top-browsed list. If you choose the option to display the list <i>only when the customer is viewing the recipe collection</i>, use e-Marketing Spots on the collection display page. If you choose the option to display the list <i>only when the customer is viewing the recipe collection or its subcollections</i>, use e-Marketing Spots on either the recipe collection display page or the recipe display page, or both.
- Register the new property in the resource bundle.
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > recipe.
- Open RecipeManagementResourceBundle.lzx.
- Add the following code to the file:
<!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="mostBrowsedRecipeRankingName"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="rankingSize"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="rankingIntervalNum"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="rankingLocation"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="rankingLocationSpecificRecipeCollection"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="rankingLocationCurrentRecipeCollection"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="rankingLocationCurrentOrSubRecipeCollection"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="recipeRankingTopBrowsedSummary"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="summaryRecipeRankingLocationSpecificRecipeCollection"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="summaryRecipeRankingLocationCurrentRecipeCollection"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="summaryRecipeRankingLocationCurrentOrSubRecipeCollection"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="help_recipetopbrowsed_recipe_collection"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="help_recipetopbrowsed_size"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="help_recipetopbrowsed_interval_num"/> <wcfResourceBundleKey name="help_recipetopbrowsed_location"/>
- Import and register the image resource file.
In this step, we will define icons to represent the new action we customized for recipes. You can create and load three versions of a custom icon to represent the new campaign element in the Management Center user interface. These images help business users identify the element when creating activities in the Activity Builder.
- Import the image resource file.
- Right-click mycompany and select New > Folder.
- In the file name field, enter marketing and click Finish.
- Right-click marketing and select New > Folder.
- In the file name field, enter resources and click Finish.
- Right-click resources and select New > Folder.
- Create 3 new folders named dgm, hdr, and pal.
- Copy the corresponding image files into the corresponding folders from the extracted directory RecipeTopBrowsedSource\LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx\mycompany\marketing\resources.
- Register the image resource files.
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > marketing > resources.
- Right-click resources and select Import. Expand General and select File system.
- Click Next, the click Browse and navigate to RecipeTopBrowsedSource\LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx\mycompany\marketing\resources. Select the extMarketingManagementResources.lzx file. Click Finish to import the files.
- Register this file in the MarketingExtensionsLibrary.lzx file. The file is stored at the following path: LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF/src/lzx/commerce/marketing/. The line of code that references the new properties file should resemble the following snippet:
<library> <include href="../../mycompany/marketing/resources/extMarketingManagementResources.lzx"/> </library>
- Right-click the LOBTools project and select Build OpenLaszlo Project.
- Create the object definition for the campaign element
In this step, create a new object definition for the new campaign element to collect the input from the Management Center user interface. When business users enter data about the new campaign element in a marketing activity, the object definition persists the data in the following two tables: DMELEMENT and DMELEMENTNVP.
- Create a new object definition for the campaign element.
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > marketing.
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > mycompany.
- Right-click one of the following directories and select New > Folder.
- In the file name field, enter the following text and click Finish.
- Right-click the objectDefinitions folder and select Import. Expand General and select File system.
- Click Next, then click Browse and navigate to one of the following folders:
- Select one of the following files and click Finish to import the file.
Include the DisplayRecipeTopBrowsedFlowElementObjectDefinition.lzx file so that it is available for use.
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > commerce > marketing.
- Open MarketingExtensionsLibrary.lzx.
- Update the file to point to the customized file:
<include href="../../mycompany/marketing/objectDefinitions/DisplayRecipeTopBrowsedFlowElementObjectDefinition.lzx"/>
- Register the new object definition in its parent definition.
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > commerce > marketing > objectDefinitions > activityBuilder.
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > commerce > marketing > objectDefinitions > activityBuilder.
- Open one of the following files:
File Procedure FlowPathElementObjectDefinition.lzx
In this class file, create an instance of your new object definition as a child.
- Insert a line into the file, similar to the line in boldface within the following code snippet:
<class name="mktBaseFlowPathElementObject" extends="wcfChildObjectDefinition" displayName="${mktMarketingResources.path.string}" isBaseDefinition="true"> <!-- sample line for recipe top viewed ranking --> <mktDisplayRecipeTopBrowsedElementObject/> </class>
- Save the changes and close the file.
In this definition file, add the new object definition.
- Insert a line into the file, similar to the line in boldface within the following code snippet:
<ChildObjectDefinition definitionName="mktBaseFlowPathElementObject" displayName="${mktMarketingResources.path}" isBaseDefinition="true"> ... <!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <FlowElementObjectDefinition baseDefinitionName="mktDisplayRecipeTopBrowsedElementObject" package="mkt"/> </ChildObjectDefinition>
- Save the changes and close the file.
Right-click the LOBTools project and select Build Openlaszlo Project.
- Create the properties view for the campaign element.
If the new campaign element requires input from business users, declare the widgets to capture that input. By doing this, you create the user interface, called the properties view, for the new campaign element. When you click the campaign element in the Activity Builder, the properties view for that campaign element displays below the work area.
- Create the properties view for the campaign element.
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > marketing.
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > mycompany > marketing.
- Right-click marketing and select New > Folder.
- In the file name field, enter propertiesViews and click Finish.
- Complete one of the following steps:
Right-click the propertiesViews folder and select Import. Expand General and select File system.
Right-click the propertiesViews folder and select Import.
- Click Next, then click Browse and navigate to one of the following folders:
- Select one of the following files and click Finish to import the file.
Add a reference to the new properties view file in the MarketingExtensionsLibrary.lzx file. The file is stored at the following path: LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF/src/lzx/commerce/marketing/. The line of code that references the new properties file should resemble the following snippet:
<include href="../../mycompany/marketing/propertiesViews/DisplayRecipeTopBrowsedPropertiesView.lzx"/>
- Create the summary for the campaign element.
If to display summary text below the campaign element in the Activity Builder work area, create a new extension class for this summary. In the Activity Builder, business users can read the summary text to quickly understand how an element is being used in a Web or Dialog activity.
- Create the summary for the campaign element.
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > marketing > propertiesViews.
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > marketing.
- Complete one of the following steps:
Right-click the propertiesViews folder and select Import. Expand General and select File system.
Right-click the marketing folder and select New > Folder. In the folder name field, enter propertiesView and click Finish. Right-click the propertiesViews folder and select Import.
- Click Next, then click Browse and navigate to RecipeTopBrowsedSource\LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx\mycompany\marketing\propertiesViews.
- Select the DisplayRecipeTopBrowsedSummary.lzx file and click Finish to import the file.
- Register this new summary class in the MarketingExtensionsLibrary.lzx file. The file is stored at the following path: LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF/src/lzx/commerce/marketing/. The line of code that references the new summary class should resemble the following snippet:
<include href="../../mycompany/marketing/propertiesViews/DisplayRecipeTopBrowsedSummary.lzx"/>
- Create a file and add a definition to display the recipe collection in a grid view. The grid view is used in the properties view.
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > marketing
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > mycompany > marketing
- Right-click the marketing folder and select New > Folder.
- In the folder name field, enter listViewDefinitions and click Finish.
- Right-click the listViewDefinitions folder and select Import. Expand General and select File system.
- Click Next, then click Browse and navigate to one of the following folders:
- Select one of the following files and click Finish to import the file.
Register this new summary class in the MarketingExtensionsLibrary.lzx file. The file is stored at the following path: LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF/src/lzx/commerce/marketing/. The line of code that references the new summary class should resemble the following snippet:
<include href="../../mycompany/marketing/listViewDefinitions/RecipeCollectionGrid.lzx"/>
- Add the campaign element to the element palette in the Activity Builder.
You must include the new campaign element in the element palette so that business users can drag the new element from the palette into the work area.
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > commerce > marketing > propertiesViews
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > commerce > marketing > propertiesViews
- Open one of the following properties view files:
File Procedure WebActivityBuilder.lzx
In this properties view file:
- Locate the section in the code sample named palette:
<dataset name="palette"> <Group resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources" name="actions" helpText="help_palette_actions" helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm"> </Group> </dataset>
- Insert the following code as a child of the appropriate <Group/> tag:
<!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType="recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed"/>
- Your completed code should resemble the following code snippet:
<dataset name="palette"> <Group resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources" name="actions" helpText="help_palette_actions" helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm"> <!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType="recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed"/> </Group> </dataset>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
In this properties view file:
- Locate the section in the code sample named palette:
<Xml name="palette"> ... <Group helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm" helpText="help_palette_actions" name="actions" resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources"> ... </Group> ... </Xml>
- Insert the following code as a child of the appropriate <Group/> tag:
<!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType="recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed"/>
- Your completed code should resemble the following code snippet:
<Xml name="palette"> ... <Group helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm" helpText="help_palette_actions" name="actions" resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources"> ... <!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType=�?recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed�?/> </Group> ... </Xml>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
- Open one of the following properties view files:
File Procedure WebActivityTemplateBuilder.lzx
In this properties view file:
- Locate the section in the code sample named palette:
<dataset name="palette"> <Group resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources" name="actions" helpText="help_palette_actions" helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm"> </Group> </dataset>
- Insert the following code as a child of the appropriate <Group/> tag:
<!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType="recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed"/>
- Your completed code should resemble the following code snippet:
<dataset name="palette"> <Group resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources" name="actions" helpText="help_palette_actions" helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm"> <!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType="recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed"/> </Group> </dataset>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
In this properties view file:
- Locate the section in the code sample named palette:
<Xml name="palette"> ... <Group helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm" helpText="help_palette_actions" name="actions" resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources"> ... </Group> ... </Xml>
- Insert the following code as a child of the appropriate <Group/> tag:
<!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType="recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed"/>
- Your completed code should resemble the following code snippet:
<Xml name="palette"> ... <Group helpLink="concepts/csbactions.htm" helpText="help_palette_actions" name="actions" resourceBundle="mktMarketingResources"> ... <!-- recipe top viewed ranking --> <Element objectType=�?recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed�?/> </Group> ... </Xml>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
- Create and register a serialization JSP file for the campaign element.
Create and register a serialization JSP file to take the authoring elements from the DMELEMENT and DMELEMENTNVP tables for the new campaign element and display them in the Management Center user interface. When a business user opens an activity, the parent serialization JSP file, GetActivityChildren.jsp, calls the serialization JSP file for each campaign element to load the data for the activity.
If the object definition for the new campaign element includes wcfChildObjectDefinitions or wcfReferenceObjectDefinitions, create a new serialization JSP file for the new campaign element. Otherwise, you can use the existing generic serialization JSP file, SerializeActivitygenericElement.jsp, as is. In both cases, register the serialization JSP file in the Struts configuration file for customization, struts-extension.xml. This file is initially empty and takes precedence over all Struts configuration files.
- Create the serialization JSP file.
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > jsp > mycompany.
- Right-click mycompany and select New > Folder.
- In the folder name field, enter marketing and click Finish.
- Right-click marketing and select Import. Expand General and select File system.
- Click Next, the click Browse and navigate to RecipeTopBrowsedSource\LOBTools\WebContent\jsp\mycompany\marketing. Select the SerializeActivityRecipeRankingMostBrowsed.Jsp, GetRecipeCollectionById.Jsp, and SerializeRecipeCollection.Jspf files. Click Finish to import the files.
- Register the serialization JSP file.
- Open the Struts configuration file, struts-extension.xml. The file is stored... LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF.
- Add a new action mapping to register the serialization JSP file:
<action path="/SerializeActivityElement-recipe_Ranking_MostBrowsed" include="/jsp/mycompany/marketing/SerializeActivityRecipeRankingMostBrowsed.jsp" />
- Modify one of the following files in the Marketing tools, so that the tools can retrieve the recipe collections data:
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > commerce > marketing > objectDefinitions
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > commerce > marketing > objectDefinitions
- Open one of the following properties view files:
File Procedure MarketingTopObjectDefinition.lzx
In this properties view file:
- Locate the following code:
<class name="mktMarketingTopObjectDefinition" extends="wcfTopObjectDefinition"> ....................... </class>
- Insert the following code as a child of the appropriate <Class/> tag:
<wcfGetChildrenService url="/cmc/GetRecipeCollections" objectTypes="RecipeCollection"> <wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> </wcfGetChildrenService>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
In this properties view file:
- Locate the following code:
<TopObjectDefinition definitionName="mktMarketingTopObjectDefinition"> ... </TopObjectDefinition>
- Insert the following code as a child of the appropriate <TopObjectDefinition/> tag:
<GetChildrenService url="/cmc/GetRecipeCollections" objectTypes="RecipeCollection"> <ServiceParam name="storeId"/> </GetChildrenService>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
- Modify the file that contains the main definition for the Marketing tool. By doing so, you can use the object defined in Tutorial: Adding a Recipes tool to the Management Center
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > commerce > marketing
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > commerce > marketing
- Open one of the following files:
File Procedure MarketingManagementToolDefinition.lzx
In this file:
- Locate the following code:
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Filters -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Filters --> <wcfObjectTypeFilter filterType="Recipes" displayName="Recipes" isDefault="true" objectTypes="RecipeCollectionNode,UnassignedRecipeNode,RecipeCollection" />
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Marketing Organizational Objects -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Marketing Organizational Objects --> <recUnassignedRecipeOrganizationalObjectDefinition/> <recRecipeCollectionOrganizationalObjectDefinition/>
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Marketing Primary Objects -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Marketing Primary Objects --> <recRecipeCollectionPrimaryObjectDefinition/> <recRecipePrimaryObjectDefinition/>
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Marketing Search Definitions -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Marketing Search Definitions --> <recFindRecipesSearchDefinition/> <recFindRecipeCollectionsSearchDefinition/>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
In this file:
- Locate the following code:
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Filters -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Filters --> <ObjectTypeFilter filterType="Recipes" displayName="Recipes" isDefault="true" objectTypes="RecipeCollectionNode,UnassignedRecipeNode,RecipeCollection" />
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Marketing Organizational Objects -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Marketing Organizational Objects --> <OrganizationalObjectDefinition baseDefinitionName="UnassignedRecipeNode"/> <OrganizationalObjectDefinition baseDefinitionName="RecipeCollectionNode"/>
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Marketing Primary Objects -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Marketing Primary Objects --> <PrimaryObjectDefinition baseDefinitionName="RecipeCollection"/> <PrimaryObjectDefinition baseDefinitionName="Recipe"/>
- Locate the following code:
<!-- Marketing Search Definitions -->
- Replace the code with the following code snippet:
<!-- Marketing Search Definitions --> <SearchDefinition baseDefinitionName="FindRecipes"/> <SearchDefinition baseDefinitionName="FindRecipeCollections"/>
- Save the changes and close the properties view file.
Right-click the LOBTools project and select Build Openlaszlo Project.
Related concepts
Rank list framework for marketing actions
Related tasks
Define icons to represent the campaign element
Create the object definition for the campaign element
Create the properties view for the campaign element
Create the summary for the campaign element
Add the campaign element to the element palette in the Activity Builder
Create and registering a serialization JSP file for the campaign element
Related information
Tutorial: Adding a Recipes tool to the Management Center