Develop > Presentation layer > Customize marketing > Marketing customization: Management Center > Customizing triggers, targets, and actions > Add a new trigger, target or action
Create the properties view for the campaign element
If your new campaign element requires input from business users, declare the widgets to capture that input. By doing this, you create the user interface, called the properties view, for the new campaign element. In the Activity Builder, a campaign element's properties view displays below the work area when you click the campaign element.
Before you begin
Review the following topics to ensure that you understand the properties view widgets available for use in Management Center and the mktFlowElementProperties class that extend:
- Create widgets in the Management Center: see the list of properties view widgets in this topic
- mktFlowElementProperties class
The properties view for a new campaign element is an extension class of the mktFlowElementProperties class. The properties view widgets have already been defined for use in the Management Center. When creating a new campaign element, specify which of these widgets you need, and then arrange and customize them as required.
- Review the available widgets for Management Center properties views and plan the user interface for the campaign element.
- Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
- Create a directory to store the new properties view file. Use a directory structure similar to the following example:
- Create an OpenLaszlo class file with this syntax: campaign_element_namePropertiesView.lzx, for example, CustomLevelOfSupportPropertiesView.lzx.
- Define the new properties view as an extension class of mktFlowElementProperties. Here is a simple example:
<class name="extCustomLevelOfSupportProperties" extends="mktFlowElementProperties"> <wcfPropertyGroup name="group" collapsable="false"> <wcfPropertyCombobox promptText="Support level" propertyName="supportLevel"/> </wcfPropertyGroup> </class>
More complex properties views require multiple widgets. Another option is tabs. Consider using the properties view of an existing, similar campaign element as a starting point for your new campaign element. The existing properties view files are stored here:
- Add a reference to the new properties view file in the MarketingExtensionsLibrary.lzx file.
The file is stored at this path:
The line of code that references the new properties file should look like the following example:
<include href="../../your_company_name/marketing/propertiesViews/activityBuilder/campaign_element_namePropertiesView.lzx"/>
Previous topic: Create the object definition for the campaign element
Next topic: Create the summary for the campaign element