Develop > Presentation layer > Management Center framework > Customize the Management Center user interface > Create a new tool for the Management Center

Define a main tool definition

The first step to adding a new custom tool to the Management Center is to create a new OpenLaszlo library file containing a class that extends the wcfBusinessObjectEditor class.

Before you begin

Before you customize the Management Center user interface, ensure you have customized the persistence layer and the Business Object Manager:

  1. Created a new WebSphere Commerce table in the schema.

  2. Generated object relational metadata and the physical SDO.

  3. Configured the Business Object Manager to include new properties in user data.

  4. Updated query templates for read and update.


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.

  2. In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx.

  3. Create a directory to store the new OpenLaszlo library file. Use a directory structure similar to the following example: LOBTools/WebContent/WEB-INF/src/lzx/your_company_name/Management_Center_component, where Management_Center_component is the name of your new custom tool.

  4. Create an OpenLaszlo library file with this syntax: ToolNameManagementToolDefintion.lzx. For example, the Catalogs tool business object editor class is contained in a file named CatalogManagementToolDefinition.lzx.

  5. Within this new file, create a class that extends the wcfBusinessObjectEditor class. For example:

    <class name="extMyTool" extends="wcfBusinessObjectEditor">. 
    <!—- Add the context value definitions --> 
    <!—- Add the instantiations for the init service definitions --> 
    <!—- Add the instantiations for the filter definitions --> 
    <!—- Add the instantiations for organizational and primary business objects --> 
    <!—- Add the instantiations for all search definitions --> 

What to do next

Define the OpenLaszlo classes that are instantiated in this tool definition.

Related concepts

Object definitions

Property definitions

Business Object Editor definitions

Navigation list definitions

Search definitions

Management Center user interface

Related tasks

Define a list view

Define properties files and bundle keys for user interface text

Define icons

Create a new tool for the Management Center


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