Develop > Presentation layer > Management Center framework > Customize the Management Center user interface > Create a new tool for the Management Center
Define OpenLaszlo classes instantiated in a tool definition class
An instance of the wcfBusinessObjectEditor class contains child elements that define the characteristics of the tool definition. These child elements are class instances that define the services and objects used by the tool. Before you instantiate these classes define them.
- Define an initialization service
When you open a tool and select a store, the Management Center framework invokes the initialization services that are defined as part of the wcfBusinessObjectEditor instance. Initialization services are used to set up the context information that is required by other services included in the tool.
- Define a filter
When you open a tool and select a store, the Management Center framework populates the explorer view with each child of the top object. Filters are used to control the set of child objects that are visible in the explorer view.
- Define a top object definition in the explorer view
When you open a tool and select a store, the Management Center framework populates the explorer view with each child of the top object. You can load these child objects dynamically using the wcfGetChildrenService class, or you can instantiate the child objects as part of the top object definition's template.
- Define a primary object
You can use primary object definitions to describe the business objects that are managed by a business object editor, such as products, campaigns, and promotions.
- Define child objects for a primary object
You can use child object definitions when have multiple property values or translatable data. For example, attributes are declared as child objects under Products. Child objects can have their own child objects. For example, attributes have translatable data and need their own language-sensitive child objects.
- Define reference objects for a primary object
You can use reference objects, collection reference objects, and parent reference objects to represent relationships between primary objects. Reference objects represent association relationships between two primary objects, such as merchandising associations. Parent reference objects represent parent-child relationships between two primary objects in which each child can only have one parent, such as a product in a master category. Collection reference objects represent a parent-child relationship between two primary objects in which each child can have more than one parent, such as a sales category within another sales category.
- Define search
When you open a tool and select a store, the Management Center framework populates the search type list in the find area with the search definitions that are defined as child elements of the business object editor. When the business user searches for business objects, the selected search definition is used to invoke the correct search service and display the results in the main work area.
- Define views for a Management Center object
The Management Center provides the explorer view which displays items in the form of a tree. The explorer view is displayed in the left area of the Management Center and controls what is shown in the main work area. The main work area supports three types of views that display business objects: properties views, list views, and calender views.
Related concepts
Business Object Editor definitions
Management Center user interface
Related tasks
Create a new tool for the Management Center