Develop > Presentation layer > Customize marketing > Marketing customization: Management Center > Customizing triggers, targets, and actions > Define the event and parameters for the Wait for Event trigger
Define the event and parameters for a storefront event: existing WebSphere Commerce URL command
The Wait for Event trigger can detect a storefront event that occurs when a WebSphere Commerce URL command is called.
To detect the event, the marketing services match the URL command and parameters on the URL. By examining the URL, you can determine the event name and which parameters to match. Marketing managers need this information to set up the Wait for Event trigger in the Management Center Marketing tool.
- Determine the existing WebSphere Commerce URL command that to match to trigger the Dialog activity. For example, to match a customer adding an item to a wish list, the URL command for an Ajax-enabled store is AjaxInterestItemAdd. An example of an URL that uses this URL command to add a catalog entry to a customer's wish list looks like this:
- Define the Event name value for the Wait for Event trigger.
The Event name is the name of the URL command to match.
For example, in the URL in the first step of this procedure, the Event name is the URL command AjaxInterestItemAdd.
- Define the Parameter name for the Wait for Event trigger.
The Parameter name is the name of a parameter in the URL that to match. The Wait For Event trigger can match one or two parameters.
For example, in the URL in the first step of this procedure, a Parameter name that you might want to match is catEntryId. This parameter specifies the ID of the catalog entry that a customer is adding to the wish list.
- Optional: For each Parameter name, decide on the Parameter value to match. If required, you can choose more than one parameter value for each parameter.
For example, for the parameter catEntryId, the value to match is the unique ID of a specific catalog entry. The URL example in the first step of this procedure contains this parameter and value: catEntryId=10284. If you want the Wait For Event trigger to detect customers adding the catalog entry 10284 to their wish list, then the Parameter value is 10284. Alternatively, if you want the Wait for Event trigger to detect customers adding any catalog entry to their wish list, do not provide a parameter value to marketing managers. In this case, the marketing manager can specify Any value for the Parameter value matching rule option for the trigger.
What to do next
Provide the Event name, the Parameter name, and (optionally) the Parameter value data for the Wait for Event Trigger to the marketing manager. In the Management Center Marketing tool, the marketing manager must enter this data in the properties view for the Wait for Event trigger used in a Dialog activity.
Related concepts
Triggers in marketing activities
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Define the event and parameters for a storefront event: custom URL
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