Develop > Presentation layer > Management Center framework
Management Center user interface views
The Management Center framework includes user interface views that a business user can use within the Management Center work area. For each Management Center object, work with its information using any of three views: a list view, a properties view, and a calendar view. The content and view in the work area is controlled by whatever is selected in the explorer view.
List views
The Management Center work area can display a list of items (for example, a list of promotions for a store). Use a list view to simply view information about an object, or to make quick edits (if a cell within the list is editable). Here is an example of the list view:
Properties views
The Management Center work area can display a more detailed properties view. Use a properties view to create or change details about an object (for example, change the name of and rules about a promotion). The properties view can contain several tabs to group information, and sections within each tab to further organize data. Here is an example of the properties view:
Calendar views
The Management Center work area can display a calendar view for scheduling purposes. The calendar view is offered in the Promotions and Marketing tools. Here is an example of the calendar view:
Related concepts
Management Center user interface
Related tasks
Customize the Management Center shell
Customize an existing Management Center tool
Create a new tool for the Management Center