Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce feature packs > Enable features
Enable content versioning for Management Center
To be able to create versions in the Management Center, first enable the Content Versioning feature. This feature enables you to manage versions of business objects (sales catalog, category, and catalog entry) in the WebSphere Commerce environments. In the runtime environments, only the staging (authoring) environment is supported.
When you enable content versioning the following tables are created in the base schema: CMACTVERSN, CMVERSNCHGLOG, CMVERSNCOLL, CMVERSNCOLLREL, CMVERSNINFO. These tables are also added to the workspace schemas if you have workspaces enabled.
Before you begin
Verify the test server is stopped and that Rational Application Developer is not running.
Verify the administrative server is started. For example:
- If WebSphere Commerce is managed by WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager (dmgr), start the deployment manager and all node agents. Your cluster can also be started.
- If WebSphere Commerce is not managed by WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager (dmgr), start the WebSphere Application Server server1.
Verify the following WebSphere Commerce Feature Packs are installed:
- WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 2
When you enable Content Versioning, the Management Center and Foundation features are also enabled.
- Complete one of the following tasks:
Log on as a WebSphere Commerce non-root user (for example, wasuser).
Log on with a user ID that is a member of the Windows Administration group.
- Navigate to the following directory:
As the WebSphere Commerce non-root user, increase the file handle limit...
ulimit -n 8192
You must run the enablement script in the same command window that you ran the ulimit command in. The ulimit setting is lost (and you will need to re-run this step) if you close this command window.
- Run the enablement script:
Running the Content Versioning feature enablement script also enables the Management Center feature. That is, if the Management Center feature is currently disabled, it is enabled after running the Content Versioning feature enablement script.
config_ant.bat -buildfile WC_INSTALL/components/common/xml/enableFeature.xml -DinstanceName=instance -DfeatureName=content-version -DdbUserPassword=db_password -DdbaPassword=dba_password [-DversionSchemaName=custom_versionschema_name] [-DdebugMode=true]
./ -buildfile WC_INSTALL/components/common/xml/enableFeature.xml \ -DinstanceName=instance \ -DfeatureName=content-version \ -DdbUserPassword=db_password \ -DdbaPassword=dba_password \ [-DversionSchemaName=custom_versionschemaname] \ [-DdebugMode=true] \ [-DgenerateSQLStatementsOnly=true] \ [-DgenerateVersionSQLStatementsOutputFile=SQLlog_fullpathname]
enableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=content-version -DdbUserPassword=db_password -DdbaPassword=dba_password [-DversionSchemaName=custom_versionschemaname] [-DdebugMode=true] [-DgenerateSQLStatementsOnly=true] [-DgenerateVersionSQLStatementsOutputFile=SQLlog_fullpathname]
enableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=content-version [-DversionSchemaName=custom_versionschemaname] [-DdebugMode=true] [-DgenerateSQLStatementsOnly=true] [-DgenerateVersionSQLStatementsOutputFile=SQLlog_fullpathname]
- The dba_password is required when enabling this feature.
- The -DversionSchemaName parameter is used to specify a name for the version schema. If you do not specify this parameter, the default version schema name (VCW_instance) is used.
- Set the -DdebugMode parameter to true generates a trace file...
- Set the -DgenerateSQLStatementsOnly parameter to true generates SQL statements in the log file but does not run the SQL statements. The database administrator can manually run the generated SQL statements.
- If you set the -DgenerateSQLStatementsOnly to true, you can specify the SQL log file location using the -DgenerateVersionSQLStatementsOutputFile parameter.
After the enablement script run is complete, the following log file is generated:
- WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/Create_version_db_<instance>.sql.log
The database administrator can review the SQL statements generated in the log file.
- If the script runs successfully in the runtime environment, a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message appears in the command window where you ran the script and in...
If the script runs successfully in the development toolkit, you see an enableFeature.bat completed message in the command window where you ran the script. For enablement details refer to log file:
- WCDE_INSTALL\logs\enablecontent-version_timestamp.log
- WCDE_INSTALL\logs\enableFeature.log
If you specified the -debug parameter in the previous step, an additional log file is generated:
- WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/Application.version.enablement.messages_timestamp.log
Once you enable Content Versioning, you can begin using the Management Center to manage versions of business objects.
What to do next
After running the enablement script, you can perform one of the following tasks: